Welcome To The Big City-Chapter 1

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*New York City 1942*

"Olivia Bentley" the interviewer's voice echoed through the room, The blonde woman beside you arose from her chair and walked to the oak door with a grin plastered on her face and confidence radiating out of her.

The Entrance room was filled with eight women all rather touching up their makeup or writing out their medical forms, one woman was just tapping loudly on the chair each clink sound bringing you closer to snapping.

As you tried to concentrate on finishing your medical form (not that there wasn't much to write as you were healthy) as soon as you finished you stared round the room in boredom the next 15 minutes passed slowly. You thought the hateful glare and the multiple coughs would have made the woman stop, but she continued to tap her nails now joined in by her other hand.

You were about to break but were stopped by a man's voice, "Y/N Paris".

You stood up, dusting down your skirt and grabbing your medical forms, walking into the room. Shutting the door, you turned to see a dapper young man sitting at the cherry oak desk reading over your form, his head finally lifted with a kind smile.

"Please take a seat Miss Paris" You walked over to the velvet armchair and sat down "Hello I am Mr. Jarvis and I shall be interviewing you today for the role of Mr. Starks assistant".

20 minutes of  questions about where you grew up? Your family life? If you had a husband or any children, all answered perfectly, you guess anyway from the polite smile the man offered after scribbling down your answers.

"I see you've got a degree in engineering, chemistry, and physics your almost overqualified for this job how come you want to be Mr. Starks's assistant ?" He questioned your motives for a moment.

"We're in a midst of a war, Mr. Jarvis." You breathed trying to fill your lungs with air, you were rarely ever nervous.

"And  well even though I barely managed to get those degrees cause of my sex I know for certain I won't be taken for a serious role if I applied anywhere else" you cleared your throat.

"And not by any means am I using Mr. Stark for a career boost, but I'm using this job to help the war effort, and I know Mr stark works very closely with the US military." You finished.

"Understood but as you know in the role of Mr. Starks Assistant you must be able to be on time, pick up suits and dry cleaning, be reliable to organize and manage his day-to-day life, but we will go into more detail if you get the job so are you able to do that ?". He quirked his eyebrow, a hidden smile on his face.

"Of course," You said with an innocent smile.

"Perfect, we are done here, hopefully, I will get to see more of you Miss Paris you will receive a phone call tomorrow informing you whether you got the job or not".

"Thank you for your time Mr. Jarvis" You left the room smiling on your way out.

It was around 8 at night, and you knew you hadn't got the job unless you would have been phoned by now, so you just made yourself a glass of wine.

Sitting down on your bed, a newly poured glass of wine in your hand, you were mid-way through reading the new book your mother had brought you for your travels, so you didn't get bored on the way.

You're just hoping you would be able to get a job at the diner at the bottom of the street, if you didn't, you knew you would have to move back home to your whining mother telling you "I knew you wouldn't get the job".

Then there was a ring of the telephone, "I swear down if this is some stupid company trying to sell me some stupid beauty product, I will smash the phone off the ground".

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