Chapter 18

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I woke up to a loud, sudden noise in the hospital room. Turning my head slightly to look around, I found the cause of the disturbance. Ashur and Aaron had come into the room along with Aaron's best friend, Tanner. One of them had bumped into the metal garbage bin, knocking it to the ground.

"Hey! I was trying to sleep here." I said somewhat yelling.

"Sorry Rae." Ashur spoke out. " I was too busy talking and forgot to pay attention to where I was walking." I just stared at him.

"It's true," he said giving me a 'would I lie to you' look.

"Okay then. Of all the brotherly friends I could find, I found the only one who couldn't stay quiet for anything."

"I said it was an accident," he shot back.

"Chill bro. I was joking."

"I know,” he grinned.


"Hey Raven. How you holding up?" Someone asked. Re-focusing my thoughts, I realized it was Tanner. This only made me realize how suspiciously quiet Aaron had been since they first walked in the room.

"As good as can be suspected. Thanks for coming by and visiting Tanner. It means a lot."

"No Problem. Aaron told me you were in bad shape and said he'd pick me up if I wanted to stop by."

"Awe that was nice of him," I said, still wondering why he was being so quiet.

"That's cause I'm a nice guy." Aaron finally spoke.

Before I could say anything, Tanner did. "Sure you are Ace, and I'm the King of England."

Ugh! I thought to myself. I hate that nickname! Apparently my distaste for it showed upon my face.

"What's wrong babe?" Aaron asked suddenly.

"Oh, nothing," I said somewhat distractedly.


"Yeah. I am just not too fond of the nickname, Ace."

"Oh," Came the reply followed by a slight chuckle from everyone in the room.

Tanner and Ashur must have gotten the exact same idea at that moment, for the next thing I knew, I was being surrounded by the echoing of a chant.

"Ace. Ace. Ace. Ace Ace. Ace." They chanted in perfect sync.

"Funny guys..." I said, my voice trailing off.

"Thanks. Be here all week," Tanner said with a grin.

"Oy. You guys are so annoying." I said, slightly shaking my head. They all just looked at me with huge grins spread across their faces.

Before I knew what was going on, Aaron was by my side telling me to ignore them as he smiled down at me.

"Love you babe," he whispered before giving me a soft, gentle kiss.

"Love you too."

"Get a room!"

'Oh hush Ashur! You're just jealous," I told him.

"Jealous? I have a beautiful wife and healthy baby girl at home. I don't get jealous."

"Ya know you used to be a lot more fun to tease."

"Awe, What a shame, sis. Guess I'll just have to keep teasing you and Aaron then."

"Joy." Aaron and I both spoke at the same time. Both sarcastically of course.

"Hey. That hurt."

"what?" I asked, afraid that I really had hurt Ash in some way.

"I know sarcasm when I hear it. You should be happy that I want to tease you guys."

"I know, I know. Or else we wouldn't know you really cared. Right?"

"Right. You know you love my constant annoyance."

"Sure," I said, My voice trailing off.

"Hey. You are all forgetting something very important." Tanner said suddenly.

"What would that be?" We all chorused in reply.

"That I'm in the room!"

"Sorry Tanner."

"Sorry Jameson, buddy." Aaron said with a glance towards his friend. I will never understand the whole last name as a nickname thing. It was just lost on me.

"Yeah, sorry man."

"It's cool Aaron, Ashur."

"Hey, you forgot something." I said acting like my feelings were hurt.

"That is?"

"The most important person in this room!"

Again, "that is?"

"Ugh. Me!" I sort of shouted.

They all thought it was real funny and burst into laughter. Realizing that I couldn't beat them, I decided to join them. It took somewhere around five minutes for us all to calm down and stop laughing. Then the room took on a very serious tone.

"Has the cop been by yet?" Aaron asked solemnly.

"Not that I am aware of. I only just woke up. It hasn't been more then a couple hours."

"That doesn't mean that he shouldn't have been here by now."

"Patience Aar. I am sure he will be here soon."

"Hey," Tanner asked suddenly, "did you ever remember anything?"

"Not a damn thing," I replied, a trace of anger in my unsteady voice.

"That's too bad. Bastards are lucky. You remember, you let me know. I'll kick the a-hole's ass myself."

"Thanks Tanner. I really can't remember though."

I glanced over to Aaron. He was looking upset. I figured it was over the whole ordeal, but I was not too sure. It could also have been that he was slightly miffed that Tanner had beat him to caring about my well being and wanting to hurt the guys that did this to me. I must admit, it hurt me a bit that Tanner beat Aaron to it as well.

Here was Aaron, someone that supposedly cared about me, yet it was as if he took a step back into the background. Just watched as everything went on. Then there was Ashur who was like a brother to me through the whole thing. Tanner surprised me most of all. I barely knew the guy and here he was ready to fight my battles for me. Everything about the situation thoroughly confused me.

I was about to ask the guys if they knew when I could leave, when another person entered the room, clearing their throat.

“You're not going anywhere anytime soon Miss Stone.”

We all looked toward the doorway and saw an officer of the law standing there. Apparently noticing the questioning look I must have had on my face, he added, “at least not until I ask some questions first. After that, it's up to the doctor.”

He gave a small nod to the guys, and asked them politely if he could speak to me alone. They all shuffled out as I prepared to endure what I was sure was going to be the longest day of my life. I was in no way ready to re-live any part of that day over. Regardless of whether I remembered a damned thing or not.

That brought a question to my mind. Would I remember anything? I doubted it, highly. There was only one way to know for sure. I supposed that was to be questioned endlessly. After that I could only hope and pray that the person or persons that did this were found and brought to justice. I sighed slowly and softly and waited for the first question. It seemed like moments before the cop finally spoke. When he did, nothing could have ever prepared me for what he said.

A/N: Hello all my amazing fantabulous! Sorry it took so long guys! Being sick really sucked! =( Once I finally got better it was one thing after another. Thanks for sticking with me and being super nice about my taking forever! Cyber hugs to you all!

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