Beautiful Lies-Chapt. 7!

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A/N: So I was working on a bit more today and decided to update early. As a treat for my amazing fans. It will be awhile until I will have time to write a lot more. So I will just be posting whatever I can whenever. Just so you all get your BL fix lol. Oh and I owe a shout out to some wonderful people, as I forgot to in previous chapters.

MissAmanda, thenewshakespeare and luvpixie112. My  newest 3 fans!  They rock, check em out!   Also Check out Guitargrl141, if you still haven't done that =)

And if you have been reading this far and sill haven't commented,voted, or fanned, then please feel free to do so. thanx!  I'll hush now lol.

"Holy Mother of God!"Ashur screamed this as loud as possible when he walked in on me in the restroom. "Sorry Rae!"

"It's okay Ash. I was just washing my hands. I take it Molls didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" He asked as his eyes got all wide with shock.

I then went in to as much detail as I could of last nights event. Leaving out Aaron's involvement of course. Ash couldn't believe it. He offered to let me stay as long as I liked. I told him last night was just fine. I wasn't anywhere near as scared as last night. Yet another lie. I had to stop doing that.

He just smiled and said if I was sure. I promised I was. He just said okay and started making some coffee. I asked how come he hadn't told Molly about my pregnancy scare. His answer was that he figured I would tell her when the time was right. It wasn't his business to interfere.

"You know what?" I asked.


"You're a great friend, Ashur Halstead, you really are."

"Aww thanks Rae-Rae," he said in a mock baby-talk voice, as he patted my head

"I mean it."

"You're a great friend too Raven."

"I try," I smiled weakly.

We decided to skip school that day and hang out. Ash and I were the best students and could afford to miss some days here and there. Besides we figured that I needed the day to unwind after last night. Molly couldn't join us today. She had some errands to do and then had to go meet up with her mother.

Our first stop was the mall. Our mission? To get thrown out of as many stores as possible before mall security came and threw us out entirely. First stop, Victoria's Secret.

"Aw come on man," Ash groaned. "I don't wanna go in that girly store!"

"Oh it'll be fine! Besides we wont be in there very long. Now go." I said forcefully.

"Oh whatever."

"And I am not a man!" I half screamed

"Took ya long enough."

"Oh shut up."

We walked in and the first thing I did was go over to all the body sprays. I proceeded to try out everyone. Causing some nearby customers to get a bit agitated. I then dragged Ashur over to the table displaying the ladies panties. I was just gonna dump them over, but had a better idea. Ash looked like he wanted to leave. Heaven forbid he be seen in Victoria's Secret!

I grabbed a pair of red lace thong panties. They were really quite lovely. Instead of going to purchase them however, I flung them at Ash. You should have seen the horror on his face. Actually, it was more disgust than anything. He chuckled after getting over the shock then picking up a pair of black boy short panties, he flung them at me.

"It's so on Rae!" He shouted.

I grabbed a handful of different ones and took cover behind a mannequin. Ash did the same.

"Whatever, I'll so kick your butt!" I screamed, flinging yet another pair of panties at him. Ducking back behind the mannequin as he took aim at me.

We were just really getting into our underwear war, and sadly almost out of ammo, when a sales clerk finally took notice of us. Maybe if she hadn't been flirting with the customers boyfriend she'd have seen us sooner.

"Just what do you two think you are doing?" She asked in an extremely bitchy tone as she placed her hands on her hips.

"What's it look like?" I countered. "Having a panty war, Duh."

She muttered under her breath, something that sounded like 'the shit I put up with here' and then politely pushed us out.

"One store down," I said with an evil grin.

"Who are you and what have you done with Rae-Rae?"

"What on earth are you talking about?"

"That's what I am saying."

"Ashur, anyone ever tell you," I paused for dramatic effect, "you make no damn sense what so freaking ever!" People turned to stare as I yelled, but whatever. They could stare.

"Only you, everyday."

"Oh well, okay then. Takes care of that," I laughed as we headed to Macy's.

Six stores, that's all it takes before they catch you wreaking havoc in Sears and boot your ass out the mall doors. Much better than I thought, I must admit. I was sure we would be kicked out by the time we hit store three. I was new to this so what did I know. Ash and I got into his car and drove to find lunch. we were headed to the food court when a security guard caught up to us. Apparently a girl can't get a quick meal.

Ashur must have been starving too cause it was no time before we pulled in to the Burgerville parking lot.

"Before you say anything," Ash started to say.

"This place is great." I said, cutting him off. "So don't worry about me vetoing, if that's what you were saying."

He laughed but shook his head. "I was just going to say, I am paying."

"I can't let you do that Ash. I have my own money. Besides, what kind of brother is nice enough to pay for his sisters meal?"

"Aw, you think of me as your brother,” he said somewhat mockingly.

"Not really. More of an annoying pain in my side." I laughed.

"Ouch,” he said as if he were hurt. "So yeah, like a brother," he added.

"Whatever. No way you'll let me pay for my own stuff?"

"No way sis."

I was the happiest then I had ever been in a long time. I finally had a brother. Someone to watch my back and take care of me. All the while, being a nuisance and a huge pain. I wouldn't trade our brother/sister like friendship for all the world, though.

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