Beautiful Lies Chapter 28

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To be honest, what did I understand anymore? The only answer I was ever able to come up with was, nothing. Absolutely nothing. So if it were nothing either way, then why was my decision so tough? I didn't suppose that I would ever know the answer to that one either.

If there was one thing I hated, it was my seemingly new found indecisiveness. Even more so, I hated who I was becoming. Anger and numbness were all I had come to know. I no longer felt happiness. Matter of fact, I doubt I'd know happiness if it came and bit me on the ass. I was becoming something of an automaton. Just going through the motions each and every day. The funny thing was, that no one but me seemed to notice it.

Maybe it was time to change. Not just who or whatever I was rapidly becoming, but a complete transformation. That was it, a complete overhaul of my look was desperately in order. First order of business; a haircut. Only then, maybe then, would I begin to feel different.

To make matters worse, I couldn't stop thinking. Normally having a brain wouldn't be a bad thing. Today however, it was. What is it I can't stop thinking about you may ask; the answer was simple. Molly's happiness. Ashur's as well. Was that how happy I was supposed to be? Why wasn't I? I had thought Aaron was as good as it got for me, so then why wasn't I happier. Why was I feeling s forced into it all. So maybe it wasn't so simple an answer. Either way it's what was haunting my mind. I refused to even think about Tanner. My life was complicated enough in that moment.

Just as I went to grab my bag to run to the hairdresser's, I remembered something. Aaron's slap earlier had surely caused bruising. I ran to the mirror to check it out. Somehow I had got lucky and it wasn't showing yet or luckier still, it never would. Just in case, I put some makeup on anyway.

The mirror also reminded me that I had gotten back into pajamas when I arrived at home. I quickly changed out of them and into some skinny jeans and baby blue tunic style top. Completing the outfit with my flat calf length boots. When I was sure I was all finished and a bruise wouldn't show through the make-up, just in case, I ran out the door.


There was absolutely no one-besides the women that worked there- at the hair salon. Just the way I liked it. Patience was not my my strongest virtue.                               

“Are you sure you want to cut your hair. You have such long, beautiful hair Miss Stone.” Why are stylists all so afraid to cut long, somewhat curly hair.

“Never been more sure of anything. It's time for a change.”

"Well if you are sure.”

“I'm sure.”

She took out her scissors and began to cut away at my hair. It felt like she as back there forever. In reality it was maybe five minutes. Then she moved to the front and began to artfully move her scissors around my face. The woman, whose name I soon learned was Nicole, definitely seemed extremely skilled. When all was said and done I had what appeared to be somewhat of an inverted bob. It looked eerily similar to Hayden Panettiere's inverted bob, anyway. Although I'm sure my hair was a little longer in back than that bob style usually called for.

Nicole reached for a mirror off her little station and handed it to me as she turned me around. “How does it look?” She asked. You could hear the nervous undertones in her voice. It was clear that she was so worried that I would hate it.

“That looks amazing!” I couldn't help but shout it. Which seemed to shock her.

"Great. Let me go get the color now. I'll be right back,” She said as I sat their playing around with my new haircut, enjoying the light weight feel of it.

Moments later she was done 'mixing up the magic', as she put it and walking directly back towards me. I told her the two colors I wouldn't mind having it dyed and told her to surprise me. Of course the bottle wasn't clear so I couldn't tell just which one she chose. It would remain a mystery until it was on my hair. Good thing I trusted her judgment.


Finally, the moment I had been waiting for had arrived. Time to look into that mirror and see what Nicole's 'magic' had done for my hair. To my hair, rather. As she slowly began to turn me around, I kept my eyes shut tight. She prompted me to open them and I was too shocked for words when I did. My hair was jet black.

It was not the color that had shocked me. That was the fact that it actually looked good. At least I thought so. My name seemed to fit me a whole lot better now. With emerald green eyes, jet black hair and pale skin, I looked nothing like I used to. It's amazing what just coloring your hair can do. I was a whole new woman.

All I needed now, was a wardrobe change. Then I would be set. I was beginning to like the 'new' me. This me felt like she could take over the world at any second. Strong, independent, powerful and beautiful. Words I never would have associated with myself before. It was growing ever more evident that this makeover idea was one of the best ideas I had ever had.

Although, I had to wonder. How can a person just change in a matter of minutes. They can't. No, I was beginning to believe that I had it in me all along. The transformation just helped bring it closer to the surface. Watch out world, here I come. Time to reclaim my life. 


A/N: Hello my lovelies! How is it going?  Since you guys were so patient in waiting for the previous upload, I thought I'd post up this chappie as a little 'treat.' Please forgive typos and errors for now. I typed and edited this all today. Just one day, so my rush may have caused me to miss some things. Please feel free to let me know if you notice something that needs correcting.  I will be going over it tomorrow after a good night's sleep. Don't forget to click that little lonely orange button near the top.  Orange buttons need love too! Yep I'm weird. lol. :p Thank you all for being so amazing. If not for you guys I wouldn't be here. Feel free to leave me a message or comment any time. I promise I reply faster than I upload haha. I suppose I better save your eyes now and stop typing. Know the saying 'talk your ear off' well I'm gonna type your eyes out! :p Not really =) But, I better save ya at least one eye so I can type it out next time! :p 

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