BL Chapter 34-Final Chapter!

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As luck would have it, Tanner decided to stick around and help me pack up a few things. It was nice having someone there to help me out. I hated constantly feeling as if I was going through everything alone. Not to mention, there was no way I could lift all my heavier belongings, like bookshelves, by myself. Even if I could, they wouldn't fit in my car. Fortunately for me, Tanner had drove his truck, a red 2010 Ford F-150 Raptor. Being fairly wealthy, he also had a car. A Chevrolet Corvette C5 Z06 in Electron Blue, which he drove nearly every day. He had the truck simply for off road-ing and occasions similar to this. Why he actually had it that day, I could never be sure.

The downside was, not everything would fit in the truck either, obviously. It would take multiple trips to get all my stuff out. There was no question that Aaron would realize what was going on. I just had to figure out when that would be. It was very likely that I was working on borrowed time and it was just about up. Thoughts that Aaron was going to come through the door any moment, forced me to pick up the pace. Being caught in the middle of moving out was not an option for me. I simply refused to let it be.

After about two hours passed, the entirety of my room, save the bed, was contained in a few large boxes. My bookshelf, dressers and nightstand were all secured in the bed of Tanner's truck. Moving out is hard work. It seems like a lot of fun until you actually go to do it.

One problem I faced was finding somewhere to store everything. Asking Ashur and Molls if I could store it their place was out of the question. They had more important uses for their garage. Apart from that, they were already doing so much for me. So, I did the one thing I could. I asked Tanner if he had any ideas on a space to put it all. Graciously, he had offered to pay for a storage container. When I told him that was too much, I couldn't accept it, he offered up his garage. With the condition that he wasn't taking no for an answer. Somehow, I had a hard time telling him no anyway. It was settled; my stuff would be stored in his garage for who knows how long.

As I loaded up my car with boxes, he went to the bedroom to make absolutely sure I had got all my stuff out. When I came back in, it appeared that he had recently got off the phone. His expression gave away the fact that he was not happy about something. Other than that, it was a bit difficult to read.

“What's wrong?” I asked.

“My mother needs me to go pick her up.”

“Can't she drive.”

“She can.” That was all he said. No elaborations or anything.

“Then why does she need you?”

“Because she can't drive today,” he said emphasizing the last word.

“Why not?”

“She went to the dentist earlier and she's still there.”

“Sorry for asking like a gazillion questions, but, help me out here, what does the dentist have to do with not being able to drive.”

“No, it's cool. I suppose I could have just explained it all at once,” he responded with a slight laugh. “She had a tooth extracted and they used nitrous oxide. The dentist recommended that she not drive yet as the effects can take some time to wear off depending on the individual.”

“Oh, all right. Makes sense,” I said a little distracted. As physically present as I was, my mind had other ideas.

Noticing my lack of mental presence, Tanner asked If I was okay. It's not like I could tell him my life had fallen apart and shattered into millions of jagged edged pieces. Of course I told him everything was fine. Apparently, he didn't believe me.

“Are you sure?” He asked.

“Positive. It was merely a stray thought. All under control.”

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