Beautiful Lies-Chappie 6!

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A/N: Okay a few things to say..Sorry for the wait guys! This chapter seems like it took me forever. I didn't get too much time to actually write it though. So don't kill me if it isn't the greatest chappie! So comment, vote, maybe even fan..? If you're not one of my awesome fans already. =) Your support can only make me a better writer =). ok. thats all for now. enjoy!  

Tuesday morning was finally here. I was so nervous about what would happen. I wouldn't be able to know for sure until two days from now, on Thursday. That's as early as a home pregnancy test can detect a pregnancy. The wait was killing me!

Aaron was having a rough time too. As usual, he was taking it out on me. He wasn't hitting me though. Just using his words to inflict every ounce of pain that he could upon me. Every five minutes it was whore this and slut that. Reminding me of how his dad thinks I am not good enough for him. Telling me I never amounted to much and never would.

He was right, you know. I wouldn't amount to much. Aaron is as good as it gets for me. I mean, look at me. I am already dealing with a pregnancy scare. As a sophomore. In high school! Pretty sure that made me a slut. I sure felt like one anyways.

However, I was not going to dwell on it. Just one week and three days until the end of May. It seemed to be taking forever. Taunting me, as if to say I would never have freedom to be myself. This didn't sit well with me. Not one bit. I loved Aaron but I didn't want to be under his thumb all the time. May couldn't get here fast enough.

I ran off to school, forgetting my notes I had typed up. Ashur was going to be so disappointed, but, there wasn't much I could do about it. Once again, school was boring. Ash was the only thing interesting anymore. Pretty sad my new best friend was a guy I recently met. He was the best friend a girl could ask for though. I figured I should tell him about the pregnancy scare, leaving out the part about Aaron forcing me.

"Hey Ash," I said taking my seat in English. "I have some news for ya."

"Oh great...what now? Wait, I know. You got the answers to today’s quiz," He teased.

"What? There's a test today? Oh, man!"

"Rae relax. I was joking."

"Oh, okay," I said rather sheepishly.

"So what was your big news?"

"Well. I have to buy a pregnancy test at work tonight," I said quietly

"Raven Stone! I am shocked! You are supposed to be the good girl!" He said in jest. "Seriously though. You okay? How did it happen?"

"How do you think it happened you ignoramus. A guy and a girl love each other very much. Said guy and girl live together. Share bed. Make baby" I said laughing, going into caveman speak at the end.

"Not what I meant. You sounded like a dude just now by the way"

"I know. Just wanted to see if you'd blush, and gee thanks," I said feigning a frown. "You do realize, however, that you called yourself a primitive neanderthal?"


"My point exactly."

"Oh whatever. Just let me know if you need to talk to Molly about anything. I can give you her number."

"Great thanks. Oh and I forgot our notes!"

"Nooo!" He cried in mock alarm.

"Well you took that better than I thought."

After our laughter subsided, we got to work. It's a lot harder putting a powerpoint together than one realizes. Especially when you didn't have notes. We somehow managed to get it done though. He handed me Molly's number, with a reminder to call if I needed anything, just as the bell rang. Today was like the day from Hell. I couldn't wait for it to end. Unfortunately I still had to make it through work.

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