Beautiful Lies- Chapt. 12

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Thank you so so so much for waiting this long my beloved fans! I am so sorry it took me this much time! Also, sorry if it's crap. You have no idea how hard it was to get this chapter done!  I will shut up now and let you get to reading before ya kill me lol. Enjoy!

Oh and a quick shout out to Vanera (My newest fan). If you have not checked her out yet. You should. Her stories are really good =) Okay on with the chapter lol. END OF A/N

"The results are back," Dr. Park repeated.


"There is no way you are pregnant. Your period is just irregular. Prescribing a birth control pill could help with that."

I let out a huge sigh of relief. "Thank goodness."

"Just be careful from now on. If you still feel the need for a test later, don't hesitate to come in."

"Thank you so much Dr. Park." I said as Molly and I walked out the door.

On the way home, Molly decided she wanted to know everything about my relationship with Aaron. Guess it was because I had just avoided getting trapped in a relationship with him. Maybe, the relief was that apparent on my face that she read more into it than most people have. Like I have said before, Molly was smart.

I had told her everything that I was willing to. Pretty sure she didn't catch on that I left anything out. I hate to admit it, but I had gotten pretty good at lying. Pretty damn good. As soon as she stopped asking questions, I glanced out the window. She was pulling up to my house now, just behind Aaron's truck. Wait, Aaron's truck? Crap. He's home! Ugh!

I thanked Molly again for coming with me and the ride, opened the car door and hopped out. She said it was no problem, that if I needed anything, not to hesitate to ask her or Ash. Either of them would be super happy to help. I closed the car door and waved to her as she pulled away. Leaving me at the curb in front of my house.

Sure enough, as soon as I turned around and headed towards the door, he opened it up. I searched in his eyes for any trace of emotion. Not surprising, there was none. His stare was blank and empty.

I dared not say anything as I walked past him. Not that it mattered. Once the door to the outside world was closed, I was doomed. My thoughts were confirmed when he said not a word, but grabbed me by the arm tightly, dragging me into the middle of the room. Stopping only to shove me down to the ground.

"Where the fuck were you? You didn't ask me if you could go anywhere!" He screamed as he stood over me.

"For your information, prick, I was with Molly. Making sure I wasn't carrying your bastard, demon seed child!" I spat angrily. If I had been pregnant I wouldn't have held it against the child. Why punish an unborn baby for it's father's sins?

"I don't fucking care who you were with. Everyone knows you sleep around anyway. Well, they will when I tell them." He had now brought himself down lower, practically sitting on top of me.

"That's exactly what this is about Aaron! You cheat on me so you think that I must be doing the same. Don't think I don't know that! . You have to know where I am at all hours day and night. Always questioning me. God forbid I question you. Coming home at odd hours, drunk. Sometimes even gone for days at a time. Showing back up only when it's convenient for you, You can fucking leave anytime you want. I am not forcing you to stay!"

"Are you quite done you worthless gutter slut?"

I narrowed my eyes and gathered all the little strength I had left and said. "No." Just as I reached up to slap him across the face, he forced my arm back behind my head.

"Don't you ever fucking do that again, fucking whore! From now on you will be by my side, doing as I say. You try to leave or do anything other than what I tell you to, you are fucking dead. I have had enough of your shit."

Just like that, my self confidence and worth was shattered yet again. I wasn't getting off easy though. His look had taken a turn from hard and menacing, to pure evil.

"Just so we are clear." He said maliciously as he began to beat the crap out of me. Fists landing wherever they could. Furiously pounding away. My face got the better half of the blows. He backed down further, exposing more of my body that had been previously covered by his own. I was hoping he was backing off of me, but I could only wish to be so fortunate.

The look on Aaron's face appeared to be more evil by the second as he began pounding on my stomach. Each hit a little more forceful than the last. The only thing I could do now was lay there and take it. Sobbing so hard it felt as if any moment, I would pass  out. When he was done I could feel all the pain at once. Didn't seem to hurt so bad as he was doing it. But now, it was agonizing pain. He was just sitting there over me. Staring at me as if nothing had happened.

Something warm and damp was starting to trickle down my face. Instinctively reaching my hand up I felt what it was. Blood. I knew it would be no time before bruises showed up as well. As a million thoughts ran through my mind, Aaron still sat there. I was too afraid to try and get him off. I was not going through another one of these episodes.

Slowly pulling himself up he whispered, "my rules. Understand?" I nodded.

"I mean it. You tell anyone this happened and you are dead."

All I could do was nod my head. It hurt to even do that. There was no way I was telling anyone. I wanted to keep my life. Even as sad of an existence as it may seem. I could also let no one know how weak I truly was. If they knew at all, they would laugh at me.

Aaron walked to the other side of the room and plopped down on the couch. Looking towards the ground and placing his head in his hands. It was almost as if he regretted his actions. Almost as if he felt remorse. Highly doubtful. As painful as it was I managed to drag myself into my room. A slow, torturous process for sure. Forgoing everything else, I pulled myself onto my bed, Once again beginning my new ritual of bawling myself to sleep.


Waking up the next morning I knew what I had to do. Aaron was already long gone. To where, I have no clue. Quickly putting any and all thoughts of Aaron to rest, I dialed Ashur's number. Molly was too intuitive and inquisitive. She would be able to read between the lines that Ash couldn't.

"Hey Ash," I said as soon as he picked up.

"Well I don't know if I should be flattered or offended," Molly spoke.

"Sorry, Molls. I assumed when I heard the line pick up that it would be Ashur answering his phone."

"It's okay. I mean on one hand, I get called a guy. On the other hand he has a sexy voice, so I'll take it as a compliment," she chuckled "What's up?"

Doing my best to disguise all the emotion in my voice I decided to tell her what I had planned on telling Ash. " I just wanted to let you guys know I was going out of town to visit some relatives for a few days."

"Oh okay hon. Thanks for letting us know. I was planning on coming by tomorrow. Guess I'll scratch that plan," she laughed.

"Yea. I won't be home and Aar will be out with friends."

"Thanks again for calling. I'll let Ash know. You call back as soon as you get home. We are gonna have a much needed night out. Ash and I have been so busy that we have not had time to just relax a whole lot."

"Sounds good Molly. Give Ash my best. Hugs."

"I will. Hugs sweetie," she said just before the line disconnected.

I immediately laid back in bed and curled up with a good book. After a few hours, Aaron returned home. It was obvious he had been out drinking and stayed only God knows where last night. Desperately wanting to avoid confrontation I pretended to go to sleep. It wasn't long before he came into my room and laid down next to me. I tried not to shudder as he leaned over and gently kissed me on the cheek.

authors note: Not too sure how I feel about this chapter. All I  know is I worked like crazy today to get something done. Was 4 pages in the program I use to type it up so we'll see. I will get right to work on the next chapter. Hopefully you guys wont have  to wait so long again. =o)

Beautiful Lies-In the editing process-Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz