Beautiful Lies~Chapt. 8!

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Next morning I woke up and decided to make some breakfast for Ashur. Molly wouldn't be here until afternoon. Making an omelet and some hash-browns was the least I could do for him. He had bought my lunch yesterday. Then he had bought an outfit for me so we could all go out tonight. Then it donned on me that it was Thursday morning. Breakfast could wait a minute. I ran back to my room, grabbed my bag and pulled out the pregnancy test. I dashed in to the bathroom just as Ash woke up.

"Well good morning to you too," he said sleepily.

"Sorry, no time. Can't talk," I said in a rush. Not sure he even understood me.

I opened the box and pulled the test out. It didn't look like much. It was small, with a clear display window in the middle. I looked at that display window for what felt like hours. In fact, it was only thirty seconds. I double checked to make sure the door was locked, then walked over to the toilet as if I had just received my death sentence. I felt ridiculous peeing on that thing, but when it was over I could only feel fear and what-ifs. What if I am preggo, what if I am not? Ugh! I politely left the stick sitting on the edge of the bathtub as I washed my hands and prepared to wait.

Upon seeing me enter the kitchen, Ash asked if everything was alright.

"I'm fine. Just had to see about something," I said somberly.

"So are you preggo?" He asked. Seeing the look on my face, he added, "I just assumed that's what you were up to in there."

"Oh, yeah. I was. Not sure, I have to wait," I said a bit awkwardly.

"Okay. Let me know when you go check, I want to be there for you, since Aaron isn't here."

I stopped in my tracks at the mention of his name. I was afraid someone would mention him. Although, I supposed I knew it was just a matter of time. Ashur must have noticed because instead of waiting for me to say anything, he immediately started asking questions.

"Speaking of, where is he?" Ashur asked curiously

"Not sure. I told him I was staying here and what had happened and he's probably out looking for the guy." I lied.

"Oh, I have not seen him around a lot, so I was wondering."


"Everything okay with you two?"

"It's fine," I lied again.

"Okay. Just making sure. I am sure he's just scared about the pregnancy thing and needed some time. You are both stressed out. It's understandable."

"Yeah, You're right," I said just wanting to drop the subject. "So now, what did you want in your omelet?"

"The works! But leave out mushrooms. Those are gross!" He said making a horrific face. It was what I assumed was disgust but I found it to be more terrifying.

"Why do you have them here i-"

Ash cut me off. "Molly likes them. I buy them for her."

"Makes sense. So your parents didn't get them?" I asked


"Molly told me a lot of this was a gift from your parents."

"Yeah it is. My mom is the top neurosurgeon in her hospital and my dad is an agent."

"Cool bro. Like secret agent?" I questioned. Realizing after the fact that I sounded absurd.

"No silly. Real estate agent"

"Cool. I hope you don't mind but I am gonna pretend hes a secret agent. Sounds cooler. So why don't you like talking about it?"

"I don't want people to like me for my money. Plus we don't exactly agree on things."

"Oh, okay. That's kind of sad." I said dropping the subject.

We sat there finishing breakfast until it was time to go check the pee stick. I was so afraid. I walked over to the bathtub and leaned over slightly to pick the test up. I closed my eyes too afraid to look. Afraid I would see that little plus sign, haunting me. Ash had walked over and peeked over my shoulder.

"It's okay. You can look." He assured me.

I opened my eyes and stared at the negative symbol on the test. A wave of relief crashed over me. I was overjoyed that I wasn't pregnant. I would never be able to leave Aaron if I had a kid by him. It was hard enough to leave him now, as is. Now to just tell him the news.

Realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I had not spoken to Aaron since I ran from him on Tuesday night. I had no clue what would happen when I did call but I could guarantee the results of my actions on Tuesday would not be good. He had been trying his best though lately.

Ashur had went to watch whatever came on the television, so I decided to head upstairs and make the dreaded call. I waited with bated breath as the phone line rang on the other end.

"'Sup" Aaron's voice greeted me.

"Hey Aar" I said softly.

What do you want bitch? You know I spent forever looking for you the other night. You have some nerve calling me now," he said a little too gruffly

"Just thought you'd like to know I'm not pregnant."


"There?" I questioned quietly.

"Yeah. Relieved is all."


"So where are you?"

"Does it really matter Aaron?"

"Not really. But where are you?" He asked again

I sighed. "Ashur's. With him and Molly."

"When are you coming home?" He almost sounded sad. Like he actually cared about me.

"Tomorrow. I have to work tonight." I knew it was a lie, but he didn't.

"Okay. I got to go. I'll call you later babe." He said hastily as he hung up. I was in no position to question him.

I hung up the phone and went to find Ash still sitting on the couch where I left him. Not once did he turn and look at me. I had no idea it was possible to get that engrossed in a TV program. Learn something new everyday.

Authors note:

Okay, so I know  this is short. But Like I said, I want to post as much as I can as soon as I can for you guys. Without trying to rush myself at the same time of course. That being said, I wont be updating for at least a week. I'll try and post sooner than that but we'll see. Gonna be busy busy busy this week. yeah :P

I want to thank all my fans again with a shout out to the newest. Nikigstar, Thanks!  All the support from you guys is amazing. =) Keep on reading and writing! You all Rock!

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