Beautiful Lies Chapter 33

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When it all came down to it, I'd regret passing on a chance with Tanner more than anything else. My decision was made a bit easier considering Aaron had never even stopped cheating. Nothing hurts more than the man you thought you loved sleeping with another woman.

Now I just needed to gather the strength to tell Aaron it was over. If I ever saw him. It was nearing bedtime and he still had not come back. A whole day of not knowing anything. It was clear that I'd never know what Aaron was ever doing.

In the end, it came down to what frightened me less. It was like having to choose between two worlds. One I thought knew, but didn't or one I had no clue about at all. I had to pick though. The wrong choice could make or break everything. New is always better right? At least I sure hoped so. Sometimes the new and unexplored world could be exciting. Tanner was certainly that if anything at all.

I had finally set my decision in stone when the doorbell rang. If I didn't know better, I'd have said this was a drug or whore house. Seriously, that was how frequent I had people at my door the past couple days.

I ran over to see who it was. Obviously it wasn't Aaron,he would have barged in. Opening the door to reveal a very hot yet very tired looking Tanner. Politely, I invited him in.

“Damn! You look hot.”

“Thanks,” I replied smiling wide. “Not trying to be bitchy, but you look super tired.”

“Haven't slept well since I left the other night. A lot on my mind. Whether Aaron was here or not, I had to come see you.”

“Speaking of Aaron, I need to talk to you.”

“Let me go first please.”

“Go ahead,” I said politely but a bit annoyed.

“Aaron here?”

“No, he's gone at the moment.”

“Just hear me out. Anything that's worth having, is sure enough worth fighting for. We have to fight for our love and I'm okay with that. You're worth it. I'm not going to give you up without a fight. No guarantee I'll fight fair either.”

“Awe Tanner. That's so sweet. Really but, there is no need to fight over me.”

“I see. You've made your choice haven't you?”

“Yes. It wasn't easy but I made it. Fairly certain I'm happy with it.”

“Will I be happy with it?”

“I sure hope so. If you're not happy with me then this whole thing was pointless.”

“Why would I be unhappy with you?”It was obvious he hadn't fully heard what I said.

“Think about what I said.”

“I don't understand,” he replied, puzzled.

“Is being my choice so horrible you've lost your ability to understand?” I teased.

When It finally hit him that he was my choice, his eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store. I'd never seen someone so happy. Now I was somewhat certain I made the right decision. Only time would really tell.

Tanner pulled me close and hugged me tight. There was no more avoiding the elephant in the room, “Aaron know?”

“No. He knows nothing about you and me. Nothing about the decision I had. I'm going to pack my bags tomorrow and leave. I can't stay in this house. Too many memories.”

“You can always stay with me,” he offered as he pulled back.

“Don't take this the wrong way, but no. Not now.”

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