Chapter 14

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Yay! Chapter 14 is here!  Bet the suspense was killing you guys. lol.  This will be the last time I update This story before Christmas. Just wanted you all to know. I still have tons to do before then so unfortunately my story has to go to the back of the line. I tried to make this one a bit longer minus all my commentary lol.

I also want to do a shout out to my 2 newest fans Enchanting and  livelovelaugh1233. They are both super nice and have amazing, well written stories. Please check them out. You will not regret it. I wouldn't tell you to check em out if I didn't think it was really worth it =)  On another note, if you have not done so already, check out Emmiie and her stories. The Not So Secret Life Of Helena Callahan I & II and Welcome To The Universe. I only recently found her myself. I am caught up on all her stories now and am sad that I actually have to wait for the new chapter instead of just being able to go straight to the next lol. 

Okay enough of my endless commentary.. On with the story!

Oh and don't forget to

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Chapter 14

The past three weeks have been wonderful. Aaron has not left my side once, so I know for a fact he hasn't been drinking any alcohol. I had not been hit or yelled at, or beaten into a bloody mess. I had been trying super hard to please him. It was my greatest fear that one slip up may send him back to drinking and hitting me.

'You try to leave or do anything other than what I tell you to, you are fucking dead.' His cold, harsh words haunted me. How could a girl leave if staying is what keeps her life safe? On the other hand how does one know that staying wont be what gets them killed. It's all a waiting game, at best. That is the only way I can ever figure out how to describe it. A waiting game.

I keep praying that life will continue like this. I have been treated like a princess. It's such an amazing change. Yet, a part of me has to wonder, how much longer it will last. No time to wonder though. The four of us, Ashur and Molly, Aaron and myself, were going to the beach. I absolutely love it there!

Aaron graduated, almost a week ago actually, so this was our fun little day trip as a way of saying congrats. I had put on a few pounds but still somehow managed to rock my bikini. Molly was so mad because she was about to pop any day now and felt like a beached whale. So I did the nice thing and at least put on my tank top and shorts that I had brought as a cover up of sorts. That seemed to make Molly brighten up a bit.

I spent most of the day running away from waves with Aaron. Seems childish, I know, but we had fun. Molly and Ashur just laid on the sand, laughing at us. Six o'clock rolled around and we all decided we were hungry so we walked to the little pizza place that was just off the coast, up on the other side of the steep sandy hill side. Once we got our food I realized I wasn't too hungry after all, so I just kind of picked at my salad. Ash and Aaron ended up eating my share of the pizza. I don't even remember what we talked about now. I do know though, that it was probably really lame.

It was getting too chilly and dark to go back to the beach so we decided to get in the car and head to Ashur and Molly's place. It was so cute to see Ash helping his girlfriend out of the car. I wondered if Aaron would do the same for me if I was pregnant. What? I quickly banished the thought from my mind. I seriously had no idea what I was thinking. A baby would be so nice to have though. Once again, I pushed all these thoughts away.

Ashur called out as we were heading in the door. Wanting to know if we were going to stay long enough to watch a movie. I looked to Aaron, who appeared to be interested in staying for a movie. Politely, I nodded and told the lovely couple we would love to stay. We ended up watching some old movie from the 80's. I am not sure of the title but it was sort of chick flick-y. No doubt Molly had picked it out. Surprisingly, the guys were into it as well. I am sure this was only because they thought the main girl was hot. Could never say for sure though.

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