Beautiful Lies Chapter 32

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I still could not believe how naive I had been. He had never stopped seeing that woman, whoever she was. Maybe a part of me still loved him, but it was becoming ever more clear that he truly did not love me. Not the way he used to. It was as if I had become some sort of 'sport' for him. Maybe I had been from the beginning. After all, I had learned he practically stole me from Tanner without so much as flinching. Maybe he didn't even like me then, just wanted to see if he could get me.

No, that wasn't it. We had good times, amazing times. Those times would never have happened if there wasn't some love and emotion on his part. Was I really as horrible a girlfriend as he claimed? Somehow I was left wondering if I drove him to it all.

It must have been two hours later when I was saved from my thoughts. As well as the cleaning frenzy I had thrown myself into as soon as I was alone. At first I had thought Aaron had returned. Imagine my great relief when I noticed it was Molly and Ashur. As I opened the door to let them in, I noticed that Livvie was nowhere to be seen.

“Where's the baby?”

“Oh she is over at Molly's mom and dad's for the day. They wanted to spend time with her and we wanted peace and quiet. Win-win,” Ash answered with only half a smile.

“Until we realized that we no longer know how to function without our little bundle of sunshine.”

“Awe, you guys! Molls, I am sure you know how to function without her, you just don't want to.”

“Maybe you're right.”

“Anyway, we are here to kidnap you. A day of shopping and bowling sound good to you?” Ashur asked. A hopeful smile now forming on his face.

“Sounds great! Let me just go get changed. Don't think people at the mall want to see me in my pj's,” I laughed.

“Come to think of it, why are you still in your pajamas?”

“As if you wouldn't still be in yours. I know you Ash, you only change when Molly makes you.”

“Not true!”

“She's right hon, you rarely get out of your darn pajamas.” Ashur just frowned in response.

“Anyway, I'll be right back.” I ran into my room to change real quick.

When I was satisfied with my outfit-a cute pair of shorts and a black tank-top with sky blue writing on it- I got started on my makeup. The tank said 'Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful. Hate me cause your boyfriend thinks I am.' A friend I once had a long time ago had given it to me. One of these days I would have to give her a call.

Fortunately I had managed once again not to bruise. It would have shown by now. I usually bruised fairly easily and it always showed almost immediately. Having not bruised, I decided minimal makeup would be best. I didn't like wearing too much now that my hair was black. Mascara, tinted lip-gloss and a little blush went a long way.

Once I was ready to go I grabbed my flip-flops out of my room and headed to the living room.

“Oh my gosh Rae!You make the most casual outfits look adorable!”

“Thanks Molls.”

Ashur took what I like to call the big brother approach. “You're really going out of the house like that?”

Molly slapped him. “There is nothing wrong with it and you know it. Just tell her she looks nice and be done with it.” She laughed a little.

“Her shorts are way too short!”

“Ash it's sweet that you care, but I am certain that theyare an appropriate length. Especially considering that my butt is nowhere near hanging out. I've seen grandmas wearing shorter shorts.”

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