Chapter 17

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Yay I finally got some wrote and can post for you guys! Sorry it took so long. I  am also sorry that it is not a super long chapter but it was 5 pages in my word program! So you can't say I didn't try. Here is to finally beating writers block long enough to get something down! Oh yeah and i did not edit yet as it is 5am so I just wanted to post it for you guys first. You have all been so patient. I do appreciate it. I apologize for mistakes.  =)  Without further delay..Enjoy!

                                                                 Chapter 17

 After a quick apology to the doctor, on Molly's part, they left the room. She really hadn't meant to get so crazy on him. All she knew was her best friend was hurting and she wanted to do anything to change that.

"I really am sorry babe." Aaron explained again as soon as Molly and Ashur were gone.

"Aar, don't worry about it. I'll be fine. So what if I don't remember. Is that really such a bad thing when you think about it?"

"When you put it that way. Not so bad, no. You won't ever have to re-live it."

"Exactly." I said giving Aaron a hug as he leaned in towards me. "Not so bad at all."

I spent the rest of the night in the hospital. Aaron never left my side once. To be honest, I wish he would have. I felt as if I was being smothered. I could not help but get the feeling that his behavior was suspicious. I couldn't remember Aaron ever acting like this for no reason. Although, I was not exactly in a position to complain. If things were going good, I was in no way going to jeopardize that.


(Molly's POV)

I left the hospital, leaving Rae and Aaron alone. I thought they could use some time together. It seemed like they had been growing apart lately. I was not too sure why. Olivia kept me so busy though I wasn't able to be my usual intuitive self.

We pulled along side the curb and parked behind a police car. Ashur had called them before we left the hospital. They arrived surprisingly fast. Must have been a slow work day, fortunately. I can't imagine anyone wanting super busy cops. I know I could never live in a place with crime like that.

"Hello miss. Sir" The officer greeted as we walked up the drive.

"Hello officer." Ashur and I spoke in tandem.

"I am officer Chase Derringer. My partner, Colt, is inside. You live here?" He asked.

"No sir. The girl who does is in the hospital. I am her best friend Molly. This is my boyfriend Ashur. Although, we really are more like her family than her friends. She will be our little Olivia's auntie Raven."

"I see." The officer spoke slowly. "It is nice that she has such a close group of friends. Any idea what went on here?"

"Wait." Ashur said. "Did you say Colt? Derringer? Aren't those both guns? Sorry but that's priceless seeing as how your both cops and all." He laughed.

"We get that a lot." The cop said in a rather unamused tone. "As I was saying. Any idea?"

"None in the slightest." I answered "Raven Stone has no memory of the night. So we are a bit clueless. She believes someone broke in and beat her when they were trying to rob the place. Not sure but that was what we all concluded from the state the house was in."

"As good a place to start as any." Officer Derringer said before telling us to head inside and give our statements to officer Colt.

The house was still exactly as we left it. A giant mess. Raven's possessions were scattered all around. I just could not believe a human being could do this to anyone. I guess that was just it though, it wasn't human. A cold and heartless beast for sure, human no way.

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