Beautiful Lies~Chapt. 11

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I woke up the next morning to pots and pans banging around in the kitchen. I knew Aaron didn't come home last night and he would never cook. Thinking a person with bad intent wouldn't be cooking breakfast, I got up and ran to check.

I spotted Ashur sitting on my couch watching the TV on mute. Silently shaking my head I tiptoed in to my kitchen. Having a pretty good idea who it was. Of course the first thing I did was walk into the door way after tripping over something that was left on the floor. My purse. I knew I should have moved it last night.

"Oh sorry. Did I wake you?" Molly's pleasant voice rang from the kitchen by the stove.

"Nah. 'S'all right,” I mumbled sleepily.

"Good. You can go watch TV with Ash if you want. I am just getting breakfast started," she said turning around to face me.

The moment I saw her face I remembered how mine must look by now. She stood there in shock for a moment. Then realizing it herself, she apologized for staring and got back to breakfast.

"It's okay Molls," I said calmly

"Ashur told me what happened. I just didn't realize it would be so bad."

"Yeah. Me either. Last phone call I take standing by that damn table," I laughed.

Molly looked at me with a new found sadness on her face. "How are you doing today, lovely? Everything all right?"

"Still a bit shaken up. But I'll be fine."

"Losing a family member is tough. Are you sure you are okay though? That bruise is massive. And you didn't even bother to change clothes from last night. If somethings up you can tell me," Molly said in a sweet voice that was laced with sadness.

"I'll be fine," I repeated. "I'm going to go watch the game with Ashur. Leave you to your thing." With that I left the room and went and sat down on the couch.

It was a few minutes before Ash noticed me. "Oh, hey sis. Whats up?"

"Not much."

"Cool beans. Yikes!" He said as he turned to look at me

"That bad?" I asked as he nodded. "Ugh thanks."

"Hey you asked."

"You said 'yikes' I had to ask."

"Sorry if you didn't want company. Molls was just so sad when I told her what happened that she was going to come make you a decent breakfast and wouldn't take no for answer."

"No prob. But, what I eat for breakfast is decent enough."

"If you call eating chocolate flakes of death decent."

"Hey no insulting my frosted chocolate flake cereal!"

"It's even frosted? Oh, sis, it worse than I thought."

"Whatever! that which doesn't kill me will only make me stronger" Who was he to judge my favorite cereal choice

"Exactly. In about ten years it will kill you!"

"Oh hush Ash. You don't eat healthy either!"

"healthier than you!"

Just at that moment Molly called out saying breakfast was ready. Next thing I knew Ash playfully held me to the couch to slow me down and ran ahead. He's such a child. We sat and ate in silence for the most part. Molly occasionally asking about my upcoming doctors appointment. I would sort of mumble a reply. I wasn't much for talking today. I kept thinking about the fact I had no idea when Aaron would be home, or what would happen. He wasn't too fond of Ashur. Fortunately, he never did show up

Molly and Ashur ended up staying for dinner. We just watched movies and chatted all day. It got pretty boring towards the end but I was with my two best friends. Suddenly, I felt a twinge of guilt. I had been lying to these people. I don't want to do this anymore.


My doctors appointment was going smoothly. That is until the doctor showed me the heartbeat. I begged him to test again. Went so far as to tell him that the ultrasound machine was broken. He had to get a new one. He left the room as he said "Your pregnant sweetie. I have no doubts." Luckily for me, I woke up.

That dreaded morning has arrived. My doctors appointment. I was pretty sure I wasn't pregnant. Although that dream had me second guessing. However, It did seem a bit far fetched to me. I didn't think it as possible to see a heartbeat that soon. Then again this would be my first child and I don't really know how this sort of thing works out.

It was at that moment I had discovered I had no moral support. No one to hold my hand in case things went south. No friend to comfort me. What was I saying. I had friends. Good ones. Ones I should treat a whole lot better. I pulled my phone out of my bag and gave Molly's cell a call.


"Hey it's me," I said a bit uneasy.

"What is is hon?" Molly asked in her motherly tone. "Everything good?"

" I need your help?"

"Rae, you're scaring me. What's wrong?"

"I want to know if you will come with me today?"

"Sure. Where to?"

"Doctors. Aaron can't be there."

"Awww too bad." You could tell by the tone of voice she was curious as to why but too polite to ask. "What time should I pick you up?"

"Thanks Molls. Now would be perfect."

"On my way," she said and I hung up.

We sat there in the waiting room, Molly and I. Neither of us speaking. I wondered what Molly was thinking about but didn't press her for information. She had a quizzical look to her face. Like some mystery had her all confused. I was so afraid she was putting the pieces of my puzzled life together. Then again would that have been a bad thing?

After forty minutes of waiting we were called back by the nurse. The nurse did her thing and went to get the doctor. Molls and I waited for him for about twenty minutes when he walked in.

"Good morning Miss Stone. I see by the notes the nurse made on your chart, you are three weeks late for your period?"

"Yes I am. But I have always been a little irregular" I replied.

"Alright. Lets get you all set."

I then had to go into the bathroom next door and pee into a cup. Fun times. There was a lab on the facility so there was no waiting for results for forever. The doctor said it was too early to do an ultrasound but if I was still unsure after I got results that I could come back in at a later date. For now there wasn't much he could do.

The doctor finished up and Molly and I went back out to the waiting room. Doctor Park was too busy to have us wait in the exam room. I looked over at Molls who looked at me with the most sincere smile ever and told me it would be alright. No matter what it would be okay. She promised that her and Ash would help if I was pregnant which she doubted. I could only hope she was right.

After about an hour the test results came back. Molly and I made our way back to the exam room. It was another ten minutes later before I could even think about what I just heard. I suppose it's good news but I don't know. Sitting there with Molly holding my hand I asked the doctor to repeat what he had just said.

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