Beautiful Lies Chapter 31

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From the moment I woke up, I replayed the scene from yesterday endlessly. Still, no closer to figuring out what Molly had been talking about. The only thing was that she had reservations about trusting Aaron completely. Smart woman. Not going to lie, it upset me though. She had mentioned it might do that though.

As has become the norm around here, my thoughts were interrupted by the opening and closing of the living room door. I had still been in my bedroom at the time and rushed out to see who it had been. I had a feeling I already knew, I was just hoping I was wrong.

When I came out of the hallway I saw Aar standing about a foot away. Drink in hand. Oh, shit! Nothing ever turned out well when he had alcohol. Before I could turn, run and lock myself in my room he made a grab for my arm. Lucky for him, not so much for me. Silently, I prayed. I have made mention before that I was not an extremely religious person. However, praying was the only thing I could turn to anymore. I had my new friends and Tanner but I could never tell them. They'd hate me for sticking with Aaron this long. I'd never hear the end of it.

'Where do you think you're going, you evil, cheating whore?” He asked, slurring every word.

“Nowhere that concerns you.” I heard the slap before I felt it.

“Don't talk to me like that!”

“Aaron, let me go. We can talk about this when you are sober.”

“We can talk about it now.”

“Aaron, please.”

“I said now!” He chucked the now empty whiskey bottle at my head.

“Let me go!” I screamed after his drunken aim missed me.

“Keep your damn voice down.”

“I'll do what I want in my home thanks.”

“My home. You gave up your home when you slept with my best friend.”

“I never slept with Tanner! You really don't know me at all. I could never do that. For some stupid reason, I love you. I don't hurt the ones I love.”

“You are a walking disaster wrapped in a bitch. Don't hurt the ones you love? Please! Do tell then, why am I in such unbearable pain right now?”

“Because you are a delusional drunk. Go take a shower, get some coffee, sober up, then talk to me.” I had no time to comprehend what had happened until I was picking myself up off the floor. Bastard had thrown me across the room.

“Try that again.”

“Fuck you!” The bite in my words was unmistakeable.

You know that place where you kick a male and they fall down in near tears? Yeah? Well, I kicked Aaron there and made a mad dash to the bedroom, locking the door behind me. I could hear him pounding relentlessly on the door as I kicked out the window screen. When the screen hit the ground, I climbed out the window, glad it was close to the ground.

It was then I noticed I couldn't hear him anymore. I hadn't heard him in some time actually. Hurrying up I ran around the corner of the house and ran straight into him.

“You can't run from me Raven. I know your every move. Your last one, is going to cost you.” He brought his knee up hard and sharp into my stomach, knocking all the air out of me. I fell to the ground clutching my gut, gasping to breathe. He picked me up easily and carried me back into the house.

Why have I put up with this for so long. Did I secretly love this pain? I was betting on the fact that I was a scared young woman with too much to lose if the world knew the truth. If word got out, my life would be over in more ways than one.

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