beautiful Lies Chapter 5

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A/N: Sorry It has been about four days since I uploaded last! Just been super busy! This chapter is a bit shorter than I wanted it to be but I just had to upload for my fans! I got up super early just to add this for ya. You guys mean a lot to me! Umm so yeah. We'll see. Hope you all had an awesome Halloween last night!  

Waking up the next morning I found Aaron had already left. Which didn't bother me. I was just glad last night went well. As well as it could go anyway. I got dressed, pulling on black skinny jeans and my favorite creme colored blouse. Marks of any kind had faded so I could wear short sleeves again. Before slipping the shirt on I held it to my chest. Whispering, man have I missed you old friend. Great, I was talking to inanimate objects now. Way to lose your mind Rae. I found my brown, calf length, spiked heeled boots, another fave, and ran out the door, catching the bus just as it pulled up.

The closer it got to time for me to meet Ash, the more excited I got. I could actually hang out with a friend for once. Not a damn thing Aaron was going to do about it. He wasn't as bad though anyway. Moving in with me had definitely calmed him down. If we are being honest here, I think his mother forced him to be an ass. She didn't tell him to do anything to me but she always pushed him way too hard. That caused him to react in all sorts of ways.

It really bothered me that he wasn't at school all day . I wouldn't ask him though, I already learned that lesson. The final bell had rang at last. Thank God! I didn't know how much longer I could take. It seemed as if the long boring day was stuck on repeat. I greeted Ash in the manner that became normal for us.

"Hey butt-face!" I shouted to him.

"Sup' skank," was his reply.

"You tell me. So what we doing?"

"Well I figured we could start by going to the library."

"Sounds good to me. We need to take a city bus there?" I asked.

"Nope. I have wheels."

"Sweet! What kind of ride you got?" I asked pretending like I knew anything about cars.

"Nothing special,” he said as we walked up behind a red Ferrari Spyder.

"This is your car?!" I gasped, in shock.

He laughed. "Yep." More laughter.


"Not really, just wanted to see the look on your face."

"Ass," I muttered.

"Hey that's not very nice," he said all butt hurt.

"Oh you know I as kidding. So what one is yours?"

He glanced over at a Lamborghini Gallardo. A car that looks just as amazing as the Ferarri.

"You aren't shitting me again, are you?" I asked incredulously.

"Gross, that phrase, I mean. But, nope. That's my car."

"Holy Shiz!" I said editing the last word a bit. Ashur laughed.

"What?" He asked as if he didn't know.

"Nothing. I just only dream of a car that nice."

"I'll get ya one for Christmas." He said as if it were fact and not a joke.

"Don't lie. It's not nice," I joked.

He didn't say anything as we got in and headed to the library. Just how could he have afforded a car like that. I hadn't a clue. He was obviously rich though. Or a car thief. Hmm. Car thief explains the suddenness of him transferring. He would need a city to get away in. I wondered...

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