Beautiful Lies Chapter 24

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  • Dedicated to All My Loyal Fans ღ


“Don't marry Ace.” It was that minute that I feared he had figured it all out. I didn't know at the time how lucky I would have been if he had.

“May I ask why?”

“It'd be a mistake.”

“How so?” I asked, growing more curious by the second.

“Something just doesn't feel right and honestly, I should be the one you ended up with.”

“Come again?” I asked, thinking I had heard wrong.

Turns out I hadn't. He had said I should have ended up with him. But, what did he mean by that. Safe to say, I was now utterly flabbergasted.

Chapter 24

“Excuse me?” I had to question once more. I was having a hard time believing that I had heard right. “Would you care to explain?”

“You're with the wrong guy.”

“Can we stop with the vague answers, please?”


“Thanks, now please tell me, in detail, what you mean. Might want to hurry as I am not sure when Aaron will be back.”

“The day you met Aaron, it was supposed to be me. It was me that noticed you first. I pointed you out to Aaron, telling him that if you were single, you wouldn't be much longer. Meaning, you were, excuse me, are hot. Any guy would have killed to be yours. My mistake was mentioning you to Aaron in the first place. He even stole my plan to meet you near your locker.”

“You're not just saying this, are you?” I questioned, believing his words were true.

“It's the truth,” he responded.

“Why stay friends with him?”

“I was used to Aaron getting what he wanted. He was Ace, star of the football team. I was always second to him. It had grown to a point I was not bothered by it. I always resented him for getting you, though. However, time passed and I saw how happy you were with him. I figured he was the one you should have ended up with after all.”

“Then why tell me all this now?” This situation was not getting any less confusing.

“I can't let you marry him without letting you know. I thought you'd date him, then leave him. He never stayed with any girl long. So imagine how surprised and pissed off I was when I found out you would be the exception.”

“I'm not sure how to take all this,” I told him honestly.

“Just listen, please.”

“There's more?”

“Not much. You see, something has been bothering me since we ran in to each other at Envy. You seemed, different than I remembered. I can't put a name to it, but, I can't help thinking, that you don't love him as much as you once did.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I honestly, have no idea,” he said as if that made all of this better. I don't know what was worse. That I wasted all this time when I could have been with someone better, or that Tanner had practically seen right through me and he didn't even know.

“Tanner, this really is not a good time to talk about this. Aaron could be back at any moment. I would hate to get World War III started. I won't be the cause of a ruined friendship.”

“Raven, please. Don't rush in to this.”

“I wouldn't have said yes to him if I didn't want to,” I lied. There was a point to it, but to be honest, I couldn't tell you what that was.

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