Beautiful Lies.-Chapt. 9

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Authors note: Sorry it has been so long guys. Still being kept super busy with all the holiday stuff and such. lol. Might upload another short chapter later tonight to make up for taking so long. No promises though. Anyhoodles...I know that's not a word but fun to say lol....enjoy!

ღBeautiful liesღ

Chapter 9!

Molly came over looking gorgeous as ever. Pregnant women have such beautiful, healthy looking skin. I know I told Aaron I was working tonight, but we decided to go to that new eighteen and under club instead. I put on my my black tight mini skirt and my skin tight, revealing, hot pink halter top. Topping off the outfit with my favorite pair of four inch heeled leather boots. They were a black, suede type material and had a hot pink ribbon lacing them up in back. I was looking hot. Well I thought so, as i checked myself out in the full length mirror, then Ash came into the room.

"Sis, I am only going to say this once. You look-"

"Great, I know right," I said cutting him off.

"Like a slut," he stated all matter of fact like. Did he forget he bought the outfit?

"Thanks," I said flatly.

"No problem. I only say it cause I want the best for my new sis."

"Ugh I liked it better when I didn't have a friend pretending to be my slightly older brother."

"Oh, you know you don't really feel that way."

"Oh, but I do"

Just then Molly walked into the room. "Ashur! Be nice to Rae!"

"Fun killer." He muttered to himself. Molly shot him a sharp look. they both burst into laughter. I felt a bit more than left out.

"So Molls," I said pausing. "How do I look?"

"Like you want to get knocked up," she said obviously agreeing with Ash.

"You two are no fun," I grumbled.

" You look great Raven. Seriously, we were just teasing. People will look ten million times trashier at the club. Don't worry about it."

"Thanks, I think," I laughed a bit nervously.

"You two ladies ready to go?" Molly asked.

"I'm not a lady! Do I look Like a lady to you? I am all male. Molly should know!" Ashur screamed.

"If the dress fits. Besides, Thou doth protest too much," I said flashing him a grin. He frowned at me. "And eww," I added realizing what he meant by 'Molly should know'.

"I mean it does take you an hour to get ready, princess," Molly said with a smile. She and Ash could tease each other like this for hours. Fortunately I learned that early and could decide when I needed to butt in, or they'd never shut up.

"I'm all ready," I chimed in.

"Perfect. let's go," Ash said as he pretended to waltz like a princess. He wasn't helping his case.

We got to club Envy just in time to get the last parking spot. This place was fairly new but it was already ranked the most popular in the city. The three of us walked up to the door. Luckily for us everyone was already inside, so no waiting in the cold, in a long line. The guard gave us a quick glance and then let us in. Apparently we looked super good or there was no exclusion at this place. I'd like to believe it was cause we looked good.

The place was huge. It looked much smaller from outside. The room was dark, with bright lights pulsing and music blaring. It was good music too. A mix of everything really. People were hanging out and making out in corners and dancing wildly on the floor. Apparently no one in this town could dance. I chuckled quietly to myself.

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