Beautiful Lies Chapter 23

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I immediately placed a call to Molly when Aaron and I got home. The car ride consisted of me crying most of the way. Luckily, they were still assumed to be happy tears, so Aaron did not question them.

“Come on, pick up!” I whispered loudly to myself, waiting impatiently for Molls to answer.

“Why have a phone if you never answer,” I groaned in frustration, throwing the phone aside for a moment. A chuckle came from behind me.

“Heh. Can't wait to alert the media?” Aaron asked smugly.

“I just have to tell Ash and Molly tonight!” I exclaimed. “Everyone else can wait.”

“The night is still young. I think Molly can wait, say, another hour?” He said suggestively. Apparently marriage proposal is code for 'sleep with me now.'

“you do like to dream,” I teased.

“Not a dream when you will march your ass back to that bedroom right now!” He made it sound as if he was joking, but his words seemed far too cruel.

“Cause you saying it like that makes me want you oh so bad,” I snapped.

“Could you just once, give me what I want.”

“I gave you a 'yes' to your stupid proposal!” My hand immediately flew up to my mouth. I gasped in horror, dreading what I suspected would come next.

I have no idea how it happened this way, but, Aaron was pulling me close to him and apologizing before I could even grasp the situation. The only thing I felt I could do, was stand there in shock.

“Sorry, babe. That's came out totally wrong.”

Once I could find the words, I did my own apologizing slash keeping the peace. “Sorry I called your proposal stupid. That couldn't be further from the truth,” I lied. It really was rather stupid -for multiple reasons that would take all day to explain- I did not dare tell him that though. For obvious reasons.

“I didn't mean to make you think you had to do anything that you did not want to.”

“It's alright. Can we please just forget about it and I'll call Molly like I planned.”

“Alright,” he said as he walked away into the next room.

Once again I picked up my phone. Deciding, that it was better if I tried Ashur's number instead. It rang a few times before he finally answered.


“Thank God!” I yelled into the phone.

“Excited much Rae?” He asked curiously.

“You have no idea! Let me talk to Molls. She wasn't answering her phone,” I screamed out in a rush.

“Fine. Don't let me in on your little secret,” he said and I could tell he was pouting. I had to hold back a small chuckle.

“Oh just put her on.”

I could hear Molly in the background as a defeated Ash handed her the phone. She was trying to get him to tell her who was calling. Ashur being, well, himself, he refused.

“Fine don't tell me,” I heard Molls whisper before she answered. “Hello.”


She laughed a bit before she shouted out as well. “Raven!” Another small laugh before she asked what was up.

“I have the most exciting, nervous, terrifying news ever!”

“Oh my god, don't tell me you're pregnant!” She screamed. I heard Ashur yell something in the background. Unfortunately it was unintelligible.

Beautiful Lies-In the editing process-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora