Chapter 20

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  • Dedicated to All My wonderful fans! <3

After a dreamless sleep I felt well rested but still confused. I wasn't going to lie, I felt like I had more questions than answers. The whole situation had me puzzled. Just something about it, not really sure why. I decided to stop thinking on it and just focus on better things. One of those things being, I get out of here today!

Inez came in to check on me and bring me to the front desk to sign the discharge papers.

"So, how did you rest last night? More dreams?" She asked as she helped me into a wheelchair. I didn't need one, it was just hospital policy.

"None, thankfully. I had a nice peaceful sleep."

"Glad to hear it. You know, if you ever want to talk.." She paused for a bit as she handed me a slip of paper. "Here's my number. It's my cell, so you can call anytime. Day or night."

"Wow, thanks so much." I said. It was a shock to say the least. It was then that I wondered, could she see just how troubled I am? I suppose time would reveal the answer.

"Don't mention it." Inez replied with a smile as she wheeled me out of the room.


"RAE!" Ashur screamed as Inez and an orderly pushed me through the door to the patient pick up area.

"ASH!" I screamed back, jumping out of my seat and running towards him. The orderly looked at us like we were crazy and Inez just laughed. I thanked Inez for her help and kindness, then got in to Ashur's car, waving as we drove off.

"So sister like friend of mine, how are you doing today?"

"Fan-flippin'-tastic!" I screamed a little louder than I should have.

"Oh, don't worry, I don't need my ear. I only hear things with it."

"Sarcasm noted and unappreciated."

"Awe, poor Raven. " He said in a baby-talk tone of voice.

The only response he got from me was a frown. That made for quite some time with awkward silence. Finally caving in, I spoke up.

"I can not thank you enough for coming and getting me. It means s lot Ashur."

"No problem. You know I would do anything for you. Besides Molly and Olive, you are the only family I have. Well, only other person that I consider family anyway."

"Awe thanks. Same to you. I love Molly and little Olivia." After a pouting look from Ash I added, "you too Ashur. But, I thought we agreed."

"On what?" He asked curiously.

"We are not calling her Olive! I hate that nickname, she's not food."

"Okay, okay. Whatever you say," he said pulling in to the drive way. It took me a moment to realize that it was not mine.

"Um, Ash?"


"Why are we here."

"You are staying here with us until I say it's safe enough to go back to your place."

"Would that be your concerned best friend role, or the protective brother figure."

"Both," he responded confidently.

"Oy. I will never get to leave then."

"Not if Molly has her say. She would have you stay here forever if she could."

I laughed at the idea, I could only imagine Ash and I getting on each others nerves. Which, safe to say, would happen very swiftly. See, Ash and I, we make a competition out of annoying each other. Often times, Ashur would go to farther extremes than I would. Molly, Of course, was not to thrilled about it all, but she put up with us anyway. You just had to love her for it because there is no way I could do it.

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