Beautiful Lies Chapter 26

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Last night, I went to bed, hoping my dreams would reveal answers. No such luck on my part. I was still just as clueless and confused as ever. Molly refused to let me go home as it got so late last night, so I ended up staying with her and Ash yet again. Hopefully, Aaron had not yet been home. One more day of me missing and he would have been pushed over the edge. Then again, not like he would have noticed I was gone to begin with. At least I hoped so.

When I exited the guest room, I was greeted instantly with the smell of breakfast cooking. Walking in to the kitchen, knowing I would find Molly, I was deeply shocked when it was revealed to be Ashur.

“Wow, I didn't know you had it in you to wake up this early,” I teased.

“Ha ha, very funny Rae. This coming from the girl that would sleep until two in the afternoon if anyone would let her,” he replied, teasing me back.

“I so don't do that.”

“Sure you do. Don't even get me started on trying to wake you. It's like waking the dead.”

“Funny Ash.”

“I thought so. Anyway. Decide what you're going to do?”

“Absolutely...not,” I said making sure to add a long pause between the words.

“Need any more advice sister from a different mister?”

“Thanks brother from another mother, but, I think all the advice in the world is helpless. In the end, I still have to base my decision on how I feel and what I think is best.”

“True story.”


“Hey don't look at it as losing a potential friend slash future boyfriend..thing.”

“Sounded like great advice, Ashur, but you blew it at the end,” I interrupted him.

“Whatever. What I was saying is, you can't look at it like you will lose Tanner and whatever type of relationship you guys have, or that it will be the end of Aaron and you. For one thing, you don't know that. You couldn't know that. Don't follow your head. You can listen to it all day, but, if your heart is not happy, then your head soon won't be either.”

“Wow, that's actually great advice Ash.”

“Just thank me and get on with it,” he joked.

“Thanks bro!” I screamed as I ran closer to him and threw my arms around him.

“Hugging too tight, can't breathe.”

“Oh, hush ya baby.”

“Hey! I am not a baby.”

“Ash honey, if the the diaper fits...” Molly joked, her voice giving away her sleep deprivation.

“Let's all gang up on Ashur once again. Poor guy was just making breakfast and giving out great advice but, hey, by all means, call him a baby.” Molly and I couldn't help but laugh at him. “Whatever,” he added and then attended to finishing up breakfast. Molly and I headed into the other room to talk.

“So how is it going Rae?”

“Not good Molls. But, Ash gave me some good advice that seemed to help quite a bit.”

“Oh really. Unusual for Ash.,” she laughed. “What did he say?”

“He told me that in no way could I view this is the end of Aaron and I or a loss of Tanner's friendship. As he put it whatever type of relationship we have.” I paused and laughed a bit before continuing on. “He also said not to sort things out in my head. That I could follow what my head thinks is right for a life time, but if I don't listen to my heart and keep it happy, then it's all for nothing.”

“Wow that is the deepest, sweetest thing I have ever heard Ashur say.”

“Yeah. I am positive that he can be sweet and thoughtful all the time, but lacks the confidence in himself that he has in others. All this time I have been trying to figure out what has been going on in my head. When really, what I should have been doing, is taking time out to see what my heart had to say.”

“I suppose you're right about Ash. I'm too close to the situation to realize that. As far as your relationship goes, I wish you the bet of luck hon. I know your heart will choose wisely.”

“Thanks Molls,” I said softly as I gave her a brief hug.

“No problem Raven. If you ever need anything, you call me.”

“Will do,” I said with a smile.

Molly went upstairs to check on the baby and I went in to check on Ash. Somehow managing to have the most perfect timing ever. Breakfast had just finished cooking. Mountains of french toast, eggs and sausage. He had definitely went overboard, as if he had not ate like this in months. I assumed that it was a bit more time consuming with Olivia, so it was mainly cereal or breakfast on the go.

After I finished the thought, that was when I noticed what he had done in addition to making a delicious looking meal. I was shocked, but not shocked all at the same time. After all, this was Ash we were talking about.

A/N:  Hey all! Sorry this is such a short upload but I wanted to get something up for you guys. I have a very busy weekend and week planned so I am not sure If I will have time to update BL anytime again this upcoming week. If I do find the time, you can be sure it will be posted ASAP! I love each and every one of you! Your comments are always so sweet and thoughtful. Your votes oh so appreciated! Without you guys, I would not be who I am today. You make me a better writer. Thanks for being Loyal Amazing Rock-star Fans! Stay amazing!

~Beautiful Lies~

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