Beautiful Lies.- Chapter 10!

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"Ashur?" I questioned. My voice still trembling and tears still falling

"Hey Rae. Whats wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine. Whats going on?"

He looked at me a bit puzzled, not falling for my lie. "Molly wouldn't shut up until I checked on you. Now really, whats wrong?"

"Just a phone call I got."

"Why is there a bruise forming on the side of your face then?"

"I hit it on the end table," I lied before I realized what I was even doing.


"Why so many questions Ash?"

"I told you Molly was worried about you. She wouldn't tell me anything other than something seemed off tonight. Now whats up?"

"I told you"

"No you didn't. What was the phone call and how did you hit the end table with the side of your face?"

"I fell."

He looked at me sternly. Almost father like. "You have to give me more than that Rae. What is going on with you."

"Okay. I got a phone call saying my grandma died. I fell to the floor in shock where I stood. Which was by the coffee table. I was a little too close."

All I could do now was pray he bought the lie. I felt terrible, but I wasn't about to say what really happened. Not only would Aaron get in hot water, I would seem weak. For a multitude of reasons. I would get in worse trouble with Aaron if he found out I told on him. It wasn't a risk I would take.

"Awe, Raven." He said walking closer to me and giving me a hug. "I'm so sorry."

"It's alright. She had lived a good life." I said pulling away from him and crying all over again. She had died two years ago but the pain seemed fresher than ever now.

"I don't know what to say Rae."

"Nothing to say," I said quietly.

"Aaron not here?"

"He went to his parents." I lied again.

"Oh okay," he said dropping the subject."Want to come hang out with Molly and me to take your mind off things?"

"Thank you, but I want to be alone."

"If you're sure. I am gonna head back to Molly and tell her that she doesn't need to worry."

"I'm sure. Thanks Ash."

"No worries," he said as he left.

I never felt so horrible in my life. I had just lied to my best and practically only friend. Ashur and Molly were all I had now. I just betrayed them both. This hurt more than any beating ever would. I ran to my bedroom, slammed the door and fell to my bed. Sobbing myself to sleep.

Authors note: I know this is really super short but I promise I will be uploading more on Monday. Hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it is short and doesn't have a whole lot going on in it. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

I felt like adding a random quote for today..not sure why lol..."Just because you are not questioned does not mean others are fool."

Have a great Thanksgiving and keep being awesome, lovely fans!

Beautiful Lies-In the editing process-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora