Beautiful Lies ~Chapter 22

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After my phone conversation with Aaron, I went straight to Molly and Ash's house. It would be quite some time later before Aar came home, as it was only 9:30 in the morning. I was still clueless as to what Tanner and he could possibly be up to. But, I had my own plans today so I wasn't too concerned.

I was practically family, so I just opened the door and walked in. By this time Ash and Molly were awake, as well as Olivia. That baby was so darn cute! Much like I thought would happen, they both just stared at me as if they were disapproving parents. They really took their protectiveness to a whole other level.

“Where have you been young lady?” Ash and Molly asked simultaneously.

"Seriously?” I replied. “You two are my best friends, yet you are acting like the parents that mine never were. It just seems so odd,” I said trying to hold back laughter.

“We worry about you Rae.”

“What is there to worry about Molls?”

“Plenty,” she answered.

“Like?” I was extremely curious now.

“You just got home from the hospital.” Ash answered this time. “We just want you to take it easy. Besides, no one knows if those people will come back.”

“I am fine. Seriously. I just went home to grab a few things. Plus, I have Aaron around when you guys are not. Not to mention, what could you do when you have a baby that you have to worry about.”

“Well when you put it that way.” Molly said. I was sure I was not supposed to catch the fact that her voice trailed slightly.

“Really?” I asked, knowing full well the answer I would get.

“No. Not really. Obviously we wouldn't do anything that would end up effecting Olive,” he paused as I gave him an evil glare, “ I mean, Olivia.”

“Well I know that. My point is that you don't need to worry about me. Although, your concern for me is way appreciated. You have no idea how much.”

“As long as you promise that you will be super careful about the situations you get yourself into. Whether, Aaron is with you or not,” Molly told me.

“You guys talked about this from the time you got up until I got back, didn't you?”

“Promise?” Molly said ignoring me at the time being.

“I promise. I said a little begrudgingly.

“And yes, we did,” Ashur said answering my previous question.

“You two are such dorks.” I laughed.

“But you wouldn't trade us for all the gold in the world.”

“Well maybe Ash.” I said laughing uproariously. Molly joined in on the laughter, while Ashur looked like he was about to cry. Such a baby. No offense to Olivia.

“Aw you know we love you Ash.”

“Sure feels like it.” Man, he sure was in a sarcasm loving phase.

I made my way to where Ash was sitting and gave him a big hug. Then I turned to Molly and did the same. “Love you guys.”

“Love you too,” they replied.

“I will be fine, I promise. It means a lot to know you care so much to go through all this for me.”

“What are friends for?”

“Having underwear wars in Victoria's Secret!”I yelled.

“I forgot all about that,” Ash said chuckling a bit.

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