Chapter 19

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"How long has your boyfriend been abusing you?"

"What? That has nothing to do with this!" I replied a little angrily.

"Doesn't it? Is he not the person that did this? I notice you are not denying."

"He didn't lay a hand on me. I would remember if he had!" I spat out.

"Really?" the officer replied. I had no idea who he was. I had never seen his face before.

"Your job is not to accuse! It is to interview witnesses and get the facts, then to arrest the guy that actually did this!"

"Calm down. I am just trying to get facts. If you say he didn't do it, he didn't."

"You're wasting your time. I don't remember anything about the incident. I just know alibis of my friends and family were already checked. You are checking in to old news. There was also no need to be so forward and harsh about it. It's kind of a delicate situation. How did you think I would react."

"I apologize." The officer said begrudgingly.

"Thank you."

"Now, back to the matter at hand. Have you any idea at all who you may have pissed off?"

"None. I am generally nice to everyone I meet."

"None at all? hmm. Generally? How do you mean?"

"I mean, I am a nice person. But I have had my share of people that just rub me the wrong way."

"These people that 'rub you the wrong way', would they ever do something like this?"

"Oh, no. I see them once or twice and then try to avoid them. Besides, I am never mean enough to them to warrant getting my ass kicked."

"I see. Can you think of anyone else?"

"Honestly, my best guess is someone wanted to steal my stuff and I got in their way. Therefore I got the crap beat out of me."

"It certainly seems that way. But, it is best to go over everything and get as much detail as possible before making an assumption."

"I suppose it is," I said as I stared blankly at the officer.

"Well, I think I have everything I need to go on. Just one more thing."

"What is it?"

"I need to get your prints so they can be compared with others at the crime scene."

"Why do you need my prints?" I asked confused. I hadn't done anything wrong.

"No need to worry Miss Stone. -"

"Please call me Raven." I interrupted him.

"Raven," he continued. "We need your prints to separate them from those of anyone else. We don't know if this person or people are in the system or not."

"I'd do anything to remember what happened and catch who did this. Do whatever it takes. I sure as heck won't refuse to cooperate."

"Okay then. Let me go back out to the car and get my fingerprinting kit."

"Sure thing." I said as he exited the room.

It wasn't too long before the cop was back. He asked me several more questions that were supposed to help jog my memory. It was all for nothing. I couldn't remember one single detail. As if he had the most perfect timing ever the doctor came into the room. He told me I was healing up nicely but I may never remember the details of that night. Due to the damage my brain had received, I had a ten percent chance at best. FML.

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