Chapter 13

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Heya my lovelies! Hope all is going well with you. As Christmas fast approaches I will have less time to write.  that being said I uploaded now =) I still felt bad about how late I was last time so I tried to make it longer than normal. Hope you enjoy.  

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for those that really like it.. *fan* =) Not necessary but much appreciated. On with the show! er..story!

Chapter 13

Aaron was still there in the morning so I silently got out of bed, hoping not to wake him. I failed miserably of course. He woke as soon as I got two feet away from the bed. Just my luck. Could I do anything right?

"Morning gorgeous." He mumbled, his voice masked by sleep.

"Mornin'," was my terse reply. I didn't wait for him to say anything else. I just went immediately into the kitchen to get a glass of orange juice and relax on the couch. I was in no mood to do anything. I had already called in to work yesterday to say I wouldn't be in for awhile. I made up some lame excuse about a death in the family, making sure to say I was unsure how long I would take. They seemed to buy it. So, not a whole lot to do today.

Continuing right along with how wonderful my luck has been lately, Aaron had followed me into the kitchen. Apparently it would have been just so awful for him to fall back asleep.

"So nothing else to say to me?" He questioned. What was there to say? I swear he makes no sense.

"What exactly is there to say, Aaron?"

"I don't know but we need to talk about it."

"Aaron, I really don't know what you want me to say." I said wishing he would just drop it already.

"I am really, really sorry baby. I had been drinking all day. I have just been so stressed lately. I promise I will quit drinking. I mean it. Forgive me" Sincerity clear in his voice.

I wanted so much to say no. To tell him to 'fuck off.' But, I couldn't. As much as I wanted to say no, I wanted to say yes. I still loved him, despite all he had done. I just knew he still loved me too. Once I could find out where I went wrong, things would be back to the way they were. Now if I wasn't so stupid, I could've figured it out by now.

"Yes I forgive you." I replied. Immediately feeling some compunctions at my words.

"Thanks baby. You won't regret it. I promise."

I so wanted to believe him. As for regretting it, I already was. I was just about to continue getting my orange juice when his arms were suddenly around me. Embracing me in a hug. I winced in pain, as he pulled me close. For a short instance I thought I heard him cry. He swiftly pulled away telling me his head was killing him and he was going back to bed.

That whole conversation was pointless. Stupid and pointless. I can not stress that enough. After finally getting settled on the couch, I didn't feel like reading anymore so I turned on the television. Not surprisingly, there was nothing on. The length of the day was going to be pain staking.

Giving up, I decided to grab my laptop and play some games. I had already beat most of them a hundred times. So, as you can imagine, that was a bust too. I must have passed out on the couch because before I knew it, Aaron was waking me up.

"Babe if you are tired, go back to bed. Your gonna break your neck sleeping like that." Now he was concerned about me? It was sweet of him but still...

"No, I'm fine, thanks," I spoke softly as I rubbed at my eyes.

"Okay," he said and headed off into the kitchen. I got up and followed after him.

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