Beautiful Lies Chapter 2

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I was looking worse than I ever had. Bad enough that it kept me home from school. I had made the mistake of questioning Aaron the night before. He had been drinking and it was foolish to think he wouldn't be angry when I asked where he had been that day. He wasn't in school and offered no explanation otherwise. It has been a while since the undesirable"event" I mentioned before. About two weeks. I was due for another.

A lot can change in a couple weeks time. Aaron had moved up from just hitting me. One of his favorite things to do now was burn me with my curling iron. As soon as he gets a new idea, it becomes the favorite. I would get rid of it, but he would just invent another way to hurt me. The curling iron was not so bad, really. Despite all this, I still cant help but love him. He is the only one that will ever love me, he told me that daily. For him to say it so often, it had to be true.

I know he felt bad after each "incident." At least, he told me he does. He promised me that he would be on his best behavior. That, he won't lay a hand on me ever again. False promises. Like a fool I believed him every time. It was my fault though. If I didn't disobey Aaron and behave so poorly, I wouldn't have to be disciplined. When does this end? Will I ever stop hurting? Most likely no...I will never learn to behave myself.

Back to when I questioned Aaron. After I had questioned him, he called me an ungrateful, nosy whore. Grabbed me by the arm, tightly and dragged me into the bathroom. He held me tight so I couldn't get away. I closed my eyes praying he would stop before it got any further. Next thing I knew he was standing over me with a hot curling iron in hand.

Once my arm was burnt to his satisfaction he forced me to remove my clothes. I refused and tried to fight. This got me a slap to the face and a knee in my stomach. I fell to the floor as he began beating me mercilessly. I was so terrified he was going to rape me. I would have been willing had he asked. Anything to avoid being hurt worse.

When he didn't rape me I thought I was safe. That his drunken rage had passed. I was wrong. Before I knew what was going on, he tied me up and proceeded to burn several areas of my skin. My face included. I am so blistered I can't sit down. Not one spot is left unmarked. He had made sure of that.

I can't blame any of the marks on clumsiness. I am not even all that clumsy really. I mean, how can one burn themselves all over just by falling or freak accident? Who was I kidding? No one would have cared anyway.

Spending the whole day in bed crying isn't fun. I just couldn't be happy. Not when I did something to piss Aaron off. There had to be some way I could make up what I did wrong. Something I can get him to tell him how sorry I am for questioning him. A good girlfriend never questions her man. I should have known better. That was what he had said after he burned me. That was just before he untied me and left me there alone. Just as I was thinking about him, he sent a text. You know that saying, 'Speak of the devil?' Well, it seemed appropriate here.

Aaron-- Babe, I am so sorry about last night. I was drunk and stupid. Promise it will never happen again.

Me--You spend a lot of time apologizing and promising lately.

Aaron-- I know. It will change though. You mean the world to me. If I lost you... I can't lose you gorgeous. I love you.

Me-- Love you too. Why had I said that?

Aaron-- I mean it baby, really. I am going to make this up to you.

Me--Okay babe.

Just like that, I was hooked again. I should know better than this. No girl should have to deal with abuse from anyone. Yet, here I am, letting Aaron do whatever he pleases as long as I stay alive. That is all that matters. Staying alive through all of this.

A/N: Sorry for any errors. Edited just before bed lol. Not sure when I will post , but it will be soon! =)  Hope you enjoyed. Now night night before I pass out at my computer lol.

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