Chapter 15

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Update time! Woot! This might be a fairly short chapter. We will see once I get it all loaded lol. Enjoy =) 

Dont forget to comment and vote. fan if ya like it.  on with the story!


   Chapter 15

Words can in no way describe the bond between Ash and Molly. As strong as it was, Olivia made it ten times stronger. One little baby did what I had deemed impossible. The joy she brought into their lives made me want one that much more. I loved kids and the reality that I may never have one really hit me hard now.

It was a three day stay in the hospital before Molly could come home. Another week after that before the baby could. The doctor just wanted to make absolutely sure that everything was alright with little Livvie. That was my nickname for her. Molly kept trying to call her Olive. No offense to Molls, but, I hate that name. Little Olivia is not a food!

I had spent all my time playing with her as soon as summer started. I managed to get all my work turned in before the final day. Yay me! It was a lot of hard work. It would have been so much better had I just went to school and not skipped so much.

I was in the middle of helping Molly give Livvie a bath when my cell phone rang. It was Aaron.

"Hello?" I answered, curious as to what was up. He knew I was over at Ash and Molly's for the umpteenth time.

"Hey. I need you to come home babe."

"What for?"

"Don't question me. Just please come home. My parents are coming over to visit and the place is a mess and we have nothing to feed them."

"Okay, fine. I'll come home. I will stop and pick up some stuff for dinner on the way  home."

"Sounds good. Get one of those rotisserie chickens."

"Alright." I said, hanging up the phone.

I hollered to Ash, who was upstairs getting some things straightened out in the baby's room. Instead of yelling back like a normal person, he came running out of the room and slid head first down the stairs. Turning it into some sort of Olympic sport. Grinning, as he jumped from the bottom of the stairs to where I was standing.

"Ya know, Molly would kill you if she saw you doing that."

"Shhh. She will hear you!" His voice was somewhat of a loud whisper.

"Oh, whatever," I laughed. "Can you give me a ride to the store and then home?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"Nothing. Aaron just decided to wait until now to tell me that his parents were coming over. I have to make dinner and clean house."

"Fun times," Ash said sarcastically.

"I know right." I said with a soft chuckle.

Ashur went in to the kitchen to tell Molly good bye, grabbed his keys and headed out the door. I followed right behind him. Of course, Ashur would not stop talking about his brand new daughter the whole way. I wasn't complaining though. I loved Olivia. Almost as if she were my own. Babies were just something I have always loved. For people so little they can be so smart. The best thing about Livvie is that she can sense when something is bothering someone. She may not know what it is but she sure could calm you down. She has her own special way of doing it. Man, she's the most adorable baby.

I made it home with an hour to spare. Barely any time to straighten up and get dinner done. I swear he wants me to fail sometimes. His parents would be here soon. I already had a hard enough time getting them to like me. Why he couldn't have cleaned up is beyond me.

"Hey babe." I greeted as I walked in the door.

"Hey. Better get to work. It's a mess."

"Um, okay," I said a bit annoyed. Okay, I lied. I was more than a bit annoyed,

"What?" He asked innocently. I hate when people play dumb.

"Nothing. Never mind," I said, my tone exasperated.

I went straight to work cleaning the oh so wonderful mess he had left. That took at least an hour. His parents would most likely get here before dinner was finished and all he did was plant his butt on the seat of the couch. I was furious and frustrated beyond belief.  However, I just pushed the feelings aside and kept to the task at hand. I could be mad later. It wasn't worth it right now.

Luckily the chicken was already cooked, so I just had to make sure it was warmed up. I decided to use instant mashed potatoes because I knew I would run short on time. I had also picked up some green beans and french bread to go with it. Money was tight so I just got what I could afford. Just as I had finished, there was a knock on the door.

Aaron decided that he would get up now and went to answer it. I knew it was his parents but I had heard nothing good about them, I just wanted tonight to be over.

"Hello dear." His mother greeted me in a fake, cheery tone as she went to hug me. I could tell it was forced.

"Hello," I said softly. "Lovely to see you guys."

"Thanks." Aaron's father spoke up for the first time. That was all he said, just 'thanks'. The tone itself was gruff and oddly menacing for what he said.

"Dinner is done if you'd like to eat now," I said being as polite as possible.

"Thanks dear." Mrs. Bellamy said again in her fake voice.

"No problem. Hope it's to your liking. I had very little time to prepare."

"That so?" Mr. Bellamy decided to speak again. Same gruff, menacing voice. I decided he was a man of few words that I had already grown to hate. It felt like he looked down on me, no matter what I did.

Aaron made a small show of walking over to me now and giving me a quick peck on the cheek before thanking me for making the meal. Then without another word or glance, everyone headed into the kitchen.

Dinner was very awkward to say the least. Mrs. Bellamy used her fake, upper class voice the whole time, while Mr. Bellamy said not a word. Aaron was putting on a show big time. Acting like he cared more now than ever. Making sure he said please and thank you and being ridiculously polite. It was so weird. Not that I was complaining that he was acting nice. But lately, for him, it's odd. He was never this nice. I was just glad we made it through the meal. I had expected it go go south before it ever got started.

Mr. and Mrs. Bellamy left as soon as dinner was over. No clue why they even bothered to show up. Seemed pointless to me. No sooner had that door closed, I felt a pair of hands grab me from behind. I knew they were Aaron's. I just couldn't figure out what he was doing. He hadn't grabbed me in the loving way a boyfriend should. It was rough, in a sort of 'I'm going to kill you' way. Maybe not quite that bad, but I won't lie to you. I did not like where this was going.

I wanted to flee. Run to anywhere. Just as long as it was not here. I unfortunately never could run very fast. Not to mention I was also in a death grip. There was no escape for me. No hope.

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