Beautiful Lies Chapter 29

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I walked into my house like I owned the place. Er, bad example. Guess that phrase doesn't work so well when you actually do own the place. Pointless either way, seeing as how I was there alone at the time. Aaron was once again God only knows where.

For want of anything else or better to do, I went through my closet. If I was going to complete the makeover, I was going to do it right. That meant, making sure the wardrobe went along with my personality and newly styled hair. The clothes that didn't fit the description I thought they should, they were thrown in a garbage bag to be taken to a charity.

In the end, I had decided to give away all my long sleeved shirts. I just saw no need for them anymore. Plus, I never liked wearing them much anyway. Reminders of what had been. I wanted hope for the things to come. Some other items were given away as well, but are not of any importance that would require a mention as to what they were. One thing was for sure, none of my shoes were gonna go anywhere. True shoe whore, who me?

When I was all finished, I loaded the garbage bags into my car so I could take them to a local shelter first thing in the morning. Just as I had placed the final bag into my trunk, a car pulled up behind me. Right away I noticed it was Ashur, Molly and their adorable baby girl they had named Olivia. Ashur had got out of the car and just stood there staring at me.

“Rae?” There was complete shock in the sound of his voice.

“I don't look that different do I?” I let out a small chuckle.

“You look-” Ashur started to say but, Molly cut him off.

“Hot.” We both turned to stare at her. “Well I mean, you always looked hot, but... Okay, shutting up now.” Ashur and I laughed at her as she turned all her attention back to her child.

“You really don't look like you at all. You were beautiful before, but now you have sort of an exotic look. Men will be tripping all over themselves to get to you. As if you didn't have enough trouble with males at the moment.”

“Uh, thanks Ash. I know right, I have no idea what I am going to do.”

“Anyone else see you yet?” Molly asked as she came walking up with Olivia in her arms.

“You two are the first. Just got it done this morning. Decided it was time for a change.”

“Good change,” Molly said with a smile.


“Don't mention it.”

“So what's with the garbage bags. Dead bodies?” Leave it to Ashur to ask that.

“No,” I laughed, “it's all the old clothes I decided I no longer needed. Basically, I am completely transforming my life.”

“I'll say,” he said.

“Hey Molls, If you want to look through some of the clothes, you are welcome to them before I take 'em over to the shelter.”

“Cool, thanks hon. I'll definitely take a look.”

“More like she needs to, her wardrobe consists mostly of maternity clothing,” said Ash.

“At least it's all cute.”

“You tell him Molls.” We all were standing on my lawn now, just near dying of laughter. Olivia and passersby looking at us like we were mental. After a short while, we all calmed a bit and went into the house.

“So what brings you here?” I asked politely.

“Molly wanted to swing by. We were just a short while away looking at some stuff for the baby.”

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