Beautiful Lies Chapter 27

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Ashur had placed a gorgeous diamond ring at the bottom of Molly's glass. Like all the other glasses, it had not yet been filled with orange juice. That was why he had got so carried away with breakfast. He only wanted it to be perfect. Maybe not the grandest proposal ever, but I just knew, Molly would love it. It was simple, thoughtful and just so Ashur. It really was the perfect proposal for them.

“Oh my goblins! Ash!”

“Goblins? Really? Goblins.” His expression was somewhere between puzzled and you're an idiot. “And be quiet.”

“I'm not that loud. Besides what's wrong with goblins?”

I received another you're an idiot glance before he replied. “You have no idea how loud you are. Your voice carries unbelievably well. For such a tiny girl, you have a big mouth.”

'Gee thanks.” I frowned at him.

“Don't mention it,” he grinned.

“Sarcasm escapes your ability to comprehend things, doesn't it?”

“Hey, I happen to comprehend sarcasm well, thank you very much,”

“Oh Ash, whatever am I going to do with you. Just when I think there is a glimmer of hope.” Ash started to respond but I cut him off before he could get a word out. “You open your mouth.”

It was his turn to frown. “Thanks Rae.”

“You're welcome,” I grinned up at him.

“Look who can't comprehend sarcasm now?”

“Oh I understand sarcasm Ash. I just chose to ignore you,” I replied with yet another grin. If I kept this up my cheeks would be hurting before the day was over.

“Would you be quiet already. Before you get Molly to come running down here to check things out.”

“You're no fun Ash. Besides, she is all the way upstairs,” I said making great effort to be much more quiet.

“I told you, your voice carries well. I don't doubt that they can hear you in China.”

“Okay, I know I am not that loud at all. At least use a believable example.”

Ashur just stood there silently shaking his head. “I worry about you.” All I could do was laugh.

We quieted down as he prepared plates and set the table. Molly must have more perfect timing than I, because she came in just as he sat the last plate down.

“Smells great Ash. But, did you need to make so much?” She laughed.

“Thanks and this way, we'll have plenty of leftovers, so I won't have to cook for awhile.”

“True,” came Molly's reply.

We all sat down to eat except for Ashur. Who was doing an exceptional job of remaining calm. If I were him I know I would have been a bundle of nerves. Maybe he was just an extremely good actor and he was actually a mess underneath the calm exterior.

He went to the fridge to retrieve the orange juice and the milk from their ice cold prison. As he walked back he politely asked if I would like some. I had thought he was just going to set them on the table. Apparently he wanted to make everything nice as could be, including himself. I had to mentally laugh a bit at the thought. Going along with what I assumed Ash's plan was, I politely stated my preference for the milk.

I could tell by the look in Molly's eyes that she had some suspicions that we were up to something. Little did she know what it was, or that I had nothing to do with it. We sat there awhile as we stared at each other, trying to read what the other was thinking. Her more so than me. Our 'staring contest' was interrupted when Ashur asked her what she would like to drink.

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