Guild Tour

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"Yo!" A Charmander says as he enters the room. He wears a black cloak that billows even when there is no wind. "You called?"

"Yeah, I did." Guildmistress responds to the Charmander. "If you don't mind, Damien, can you show our new recruit around the guild?"

"No prob. C'mon, let's go." Damien says, leading Lani out into the hall. "So, what's your name?"

"Uh, I'm Lani."

"Well then, Lani, you better be ready to be an Adventurer from here on out. The first thing you should know around here is how to get around here. So, up here on the second floor is Guildmistress Natsuki Realmseeker's office, where she does her work (plays video games). Up here you'll also find the library, which takes up the majority of this floor. Beyond the library you'll find the Pit of Distortion, which is currently a work in progress. But when it's done, ooh, we'll have access to four dungeons that previously could only be accessed if Giratina took us down into its domain. Essentially, we're going to be going there independent of Giratina's choices. Anyways, that's it up here. Let's go downstairs."

Damien and Lani walk downstairs and into a hall full of doors and people.

"This is the Corridor of Dormitories. Each team gets two rooms to them, hence why this hallway is so dang long. At the end, if you go left, you'll find more dorms. But if you go right, it'll spit you out into the common room, where, well, it's a common room. Nothing special here. That way is the mess hall. We all take turns cooking; One person per meal until we get to the end of the list, in which case we shuffle the order and restart. And that way takes us into the map room. Here you'll find maps of worlds we've adventured in, along with more detailed maps of individual continents and regions. So far we've mapped all our continents, the Sea of Wonders, Beyond the Sea of Time, the Future of Darkness's version of the Grass Continent, and a small portion of the Voidlands, which was really hard to access and map."

They walk out of the map room and into a somehow larger room.

"Here we have the mission room. On this side of the room we have two enormous bulletins. The left bulletin has job requests on top and criminals on the bottom. On the right, we have the bulletin of dungeons, where we hang up requests for teams to work together to adventure through new and unfamiliar dungeons we have yet to map. Over on the other side of the room, we have one big bulletin, which we use to keep track of everyone's rankings."

"What rank is your team?" Lani asks Damien. Damien sighs and ignores the question.

"And in this room we have... uh... We never really designated this room to anything. It used to have a purpose, but now its just a big entrance. So that concludes the tour of the guild... on the inside. Outside, if you go 'round back, we have this huge training ground. And then Ishihara Tree is the tree with the holes and swirls carved and burned into the trunk. It's a cool tree. Just wanted to point it out."

"Is that all?" Lani asks. "I mean, is there more here at the guild?"

"You want more?!" Damien asks back. "Pfffft. Well, I guess we do have a basement. But that's off limits. Nobody goes down there except those with special permission from the Guildmistress herself, or from the A-Boys. But the A-Boys don't exist anymore, and Nat's not letting anybody down there. So don't get any crazy ideas. Come inside, I'll show you to your room for the night."

Lani and Damien walk back inside and to the Corridor of Dormitories. Damien enters a room for a few minutes while Lani waits outside, then comes back out. They continue down the corridor until they reach another dorm that Damien opens. He tells Lani to enter.

"Alright. This is my room. But for tonight, until we find you your own, its also yours."

Lani looks around the room. There's a door to the second room that teams get to her right. There are four beds made of hay, but only one looks like it has ever been used. In fact, it's almost as if Damien has no team with him. "Hey, Mister Damien? What's up with your team?"

"Huh?" Damien turns to face Lani. "Well... Uh... They're gone. And I don't know when I'll see them again."

"Did they die?"

"What?! Of course not! I'd be a horrible team leader if I let them die! No, we're spread across different continents, different guilds, learning about the world. Also, until further notice, our team is suspended. The Pelliper Agency thinks we blew up Pokemon Square, the town which me and my best bud are from. It's not true, we were defending the village, but with us being the most powerful Pokemon found in the remains, they thought we blew the town up and failed to escape our own terrorism..."


"But most guilds agree that Crimson Gold would've never done that. So they let us split and be independent rescuers, explorers, expediters, and adventurers."

"That's nice."

"Yeah... Well, make yourself comfy tonight. Tomorrow I'll be sure to find you a room..." Damien smiles at Lani before walking out the room. But he stops in the doorway and utters one last word before departing: "...human."

Left confused, Lani familiarizes herself with the room. When Damien returns with news that dinner is ready, they speak no words on their way to the mess hall. Damien sits alone, and Lani too self-exiles to a lonely table. Then Zeke runs up to Lani and sits with her. They talk a bit, and Zeke offers Lani to join his team, which he's thinking of calling The Elusive Illusives. Lani agrees to join, but suggests that they find a better name that TEI, which is a name only referencing Zeke's illusory abilities as a Zorua. She brings to the table The Adventurers of the Universe, a cool-sounding name referencing the guild's goal of adventuring through every aspect of the known and unknown universe. Zeke groans, liking his name, but accepts the new name instead.

That night, Lani and Zeke sleep soundly. But the lonely Damien doesn't sleep a wink. Around two-thirty in the morning, a knock is heard from the other side of Damien's door. He opens the door and is greeted by a spiky-haired Pikachu wearing a black cloak just like Damien's. They hug, shake hands, fist bump, then quietly chat in Damien's dorm. Something important-looking is written on a note given to Damien, and Damien jumps for joy, they calms down. They then go to sleep.

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