The Mightiest of All (Part Seven)

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"Zora! Nishida! What're you doing here?" Natsuki demands.

"So, I wanted to ask you about the technology you're developing in private." I say, ignoring her question.

"Get. Inside. NOW!!!" She says before using Solar Beam and blasting us with intense grass energy.

Lani and I fly back into the shop and through the door at the room's back. The stairs that the door blocked get a new hole.

"Aw, c'mon, Nat! I just repaired the walls from your last visit! Now I gotta fix my stairs to go to bed?! Unfair. You better be here for good reason, to lay waste to my shop and my customers." Thievul growls.

"In fact, we are. Here to buy a Distortion Slate." She responds.

"A Distortion Slate? Natsuki, why're we getting that?" Ario butts in. "You said we were coming to snag a Rainbow Scroll!"

"Right. That too."

Thievul glances at me. "Zorua! You're already there. Could ya go upstairs and grab the box labeled... Special Merchandise?"

I nod and climb over the fainted Lani, who must've been too tired to endure Natsuki's extremely powerful Solar Beam attack. Up the stairs, I find a well-organized bedroom, although there doesn't seem to be a Special Merchandise box.

"Under my bed, Zorua! Only thing down there, can't miss it!"

I pull a large cardboard box out from below his bed, and drag it down the stairs, where it fall on top of Lani. I jump over her and the box, grab it again, and slide it the rest of the way to Thievul.

"Thank you, Zorua." Thievul smiles and opens the box, taking out a small card made of platinum.

"Here's your Distortion Slate.  Be careful in there." Thievul warns as he finishes selling the item to Natsuki. "And take the kid in there with ya. He can handle it, I think. And, honestly, I don't know if he'd let you go without him. Right, Zorua?"

I nod. Natsuki sighs and passes the Distortion Slate to Ario, who puts it in his bag.

"Zora?" Natsuki says, staring at me. "You ready to battle a god?"

"A... god?" I glance around the room at everyone else, but nobody but Lani seems to be as shocked by this as I was. I shook it off, though, because this god must be who used my brother as a tool for mass destruction. "Of course. I'm ready."

Natsuki stretches and signals for all of us to leave. "Thank you for your time, Severus." She says. Thievul grins.

"Anytime, Nat. You better come back, or my whole shady business might just fall apart." Severus the Thievul says half jokingly.

"M'kay, will do."

I peel Lani off of the destroyed staircase, and we follow Natsuki, Ario, the Expedition Society people, and the Mewtwo to the docks of Noe Town. Lapras tails them to Kokai, and all of us (except Lapras, of course) go to the Guildmistress's office and down a secret spiral staircase into the basement.

A large ring of gold and silver, adorned with diamonds and pearls, sat in this enormous underground chamber. Between it and us is a table holding an assortment of ancient devices that definitely shouldn't be powered on like they are.

Ario puts the Distortion Slate in a flip-open little device with a cross button, four little circles, and two tiny buttons. It has two glass screens, which glow as the slate is put in. The large ring begins to glow as well, not really settling on any one colour.

"Alright, Natsuki. Zeke." Ario says. "Our plan is simple, yet likely an extreme risk. We rush Akkikage and interrogate out of him a way to Pure Space. Zeke, I know what this guy did to your brother, and I can assure you Daikama wasn't the only direct victim. Use as much force as possible to take Akkikage out, alrighty? Cool. The three of us will jump in first. After ten minutes, Daini, I need you to drop in and assist us, 'cause there's no way we'll be a proper match for Akkikage. Godly powers down there are a tad more extreme on us, and I don't think ten minutes will be long enough. As for you, Lani, we want you to try and make spiritual contact with a powerful being through the Arceus Plates, 'kay? Nice. Let's do this!"

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