The Mightiest of All (Part Nine)

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I spin around in this paused coliseum to find Akkikage the Giratina floating behind me.

No more is he a shadowy blob, no. Now he's a detailedcolouredserpentything? Maybe. Maybe a detailedcolouredserpentythingy. Yeah.

He's Giratina. God of Antimatter and Lord of Distortion. Which would explain the strange stuff that created this arena.

"Akkikaaaaaageeeeeee!!!" I shout as I sprint towards him in rage. This guy destroyed countless lives, as has gotta pay.

I use Rage. But nothing happens.

He uses Earth Power and the ground melts and explodes from beneath me. I go flying into some rubble.

The floating rock slowly starts moving with the force of my impact. I use the lack of speed to bounce back and strike with Sucker Punch.

Akkikage tanks the blow and we drop into the main realm. I hope Lively Town wasn't that lively today, because we smash it as we crash land in our world.

"eNough!!" Akkikage decides as he blasts everything, including me, away with a powerful Dragon Pulse.

"Oh no." I say at I lose upward momentum while above the clouds and  I begin descending.

You Fool

"What?!" I shout back to the voice.

If There Were Others Around, You'd Look Crazy


I'm In Your Head, You Moron!

"That's not very nice!"

Oh, Shut Up And Listen To Me!

I'll Get You and Everyone Else Out of This Mess

Permit Me to Rewrite Your Decision to Seek Giratina

And Allow Me to End This

"Oh, crap!" I shout as I look below me and stare at death in the form of a solid known as the surface of the Earth. "One condition!!!"

What Would Tha-?

"Let me remember thi-!!!" I hit dirt.

Will Do.


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