Shine Bright, Soul

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Adelno signals for everyone to stop moving and gets into a battle stance. An enormous heart beats in front of them. To the right, Adventurer Party Two can see Earth, though it's very, very far away. Soul goo drips from  the ceiling and walls, and somewhat conceals the heart. Adelno takes a deep breath, then speaks the heart's name.

"There it is. The Heart of Darkness."

"The... Heart of Darkness?"

"The source of all this, and the only thing keeping the star intact. If it were to crumble, the star would disappear, all the souls within being sucked into the afterlife." Adelno runs over to the spot without a wall and sends a beam of light at Earth. It lands in front of the Guild of Worlds. Three red rings appear on the Heart Chamber's floor. "On there. An instant Magnagate back home. We developed it while you AotU kids were searching for the cards. Step in and it'll activate, taking all of you home."

"And you?!" Ario shouts. "Natsuki can't take another heartbreak heavy as this!"

"She'll have you, it'll be fine."

"I waited 'til the last ring to enter the Magnagate so that she wouldn't know I was alive... So she wouldn't have to lose me again." Rainbow Infinity swirls around Ario. He sticks his right palm out and it gathers into a large, spiraling sphere. "Step aside, I've got this."

"No!" Adelno pulls that blade out of his heart again. "I've got this!"

Aeko and Draki head towards the Magnagate rings. "They're gonna fight..." Aeko tells the others. "It won't be pretty. We better go now."

"And leave one of them behind?!" Lani shouts. "Nuh-uh, I don't think so!"

Aeko and Draki leave anyways, and the Magnagate's countdown begins.

"Go! You've got five minutes!" Adelno shouts.


Lani rushes in and attempts to call upon Arceus's power through Judgement, but fails to summon a plate of any type. "Arc's abilities are suppressed here!" Ario tells her. "You can't!"

Ario dismisses his rainbow Aura Sphere and attacks with normal ones. Adelno fights back with his glowing blade.

"Lani! I have an idea!" Zeke shouts over to her. "Get one of them to look at me!"

Before Lani could even nod, Damien the Charmander runs passed her. "I got it!" He says, smacking Adelno in the back of the head. For a split second, he makes eye contact with Zeke.

"Thanks!" Zeke thanks.


Zeke runs at the two fighters and, not breaking eye contact with Adelno, interferes. He kicks Ario and Shadow Claws at Adelno. Zeke tries to use the technique Adelno is using, but fails. "That's never happened before." He notes as he attempts to disable the move instead, which fails too.

"Zeke!" Abso Frost shouts. "Use Follow Me!"

"Great idea!" Zeke uses Follow Me, forcing both of the conflicted fighters to turn their attantion to Zeke.

"Zeke!!!" Ario shouts. "What are you doing?! You need to get back!!!"

Adelno nods. "Yeah! We'll take care of this! Promise!"


"Yeah, but there's gotta be some other way to do it! Where nobody is left here!" Spaky shouts at them.

"Uh... what he said!" Zeke agrees. "There must be an alternative ending to this!"

"Sorry to disappoint, but there isn't!" Adelno shouts back. "One of us stays here, and one of us leaves with you guys! But you need to go, now!"

"We really do need to go..." Mag says, having done the calculations. "Two minutes left."


"Not without them both!"

"Do you want the sun to die?!" Ario questions angrily. He throws an Aura Sphere at Zeke. It hits hard enough to deactivate the Follow Me.

Rainbow Infinity returns and makes that Aura Sphere of Ario's. He runs at the Heart of Darkness with it, but is knocked to the ground by Adelno, who slashes his way inside the heart.


"Adelno, no!" Ario shouts. "Please... no!"

The Crimson Gold grab Zeke and pull him into the Magnagate.

"Sometimes friends drift apart, even if only for a little while. Today, I drift apart from you. May we meet again in the world of tomorrow." Adelno says, tears now running down his face.

"Lani!" Ario uses his Extreme Speed to run at her. He grabs her and heads toward the Magnagate.

"Adelno!!!" Lani shouts, trying to reach out for him.

"It's too late, Lani..." Ario whispers in her ear. "He's done it."

The Magnagate enters one-ring mode and begins to collapse in on itself. As it takes Ario and Lani back to Earth, they here Adelno announce his technique.

"Tekunikku Hiden: Shine Bright, Soul!!!"


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