The Mightiest of All (Part Four)

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Lani groans. So do I. We've been at sea for a day and a half now, wandering. We'd received word that our target travels by boat, so the situation we're in now seems to be our best shot at catching them.

Doesn't mean it's fun.

We're hungry and there's a strange storm up ahead. We've had no entertainment, nor any way to easily train. To sharpen our combat skills, we've needed to be in constant back and forth motion to stay atop the waters without losing sight of Lapras.

Now that the storm rages around us, I feel an aura. We all do. Almost as powerful as the one that Arceus gave off. We head for the eye of the storm.

A huge, surprisingly peaceful area laying in the centre of an intense ocean storm. How it happens, I don't know. But I can say that the storm doesn't stop here. It rages underwater, so deep that it affects us not. Resurfacing, the storm surrounds a dark figure in the eye's middle. Lani sees something. "The winds around that guy... there's no definite colour."

She's right. The winds have colour, but no one colour. They change from pink to purple to grey to black to red to yellow to blue to green and every shade in between. That figure there is definitely a Pokemon, though. With glowing red eyes that probably saw us before we saw them.

The Pokemon charges at us, running over the waves faster that Lani can probably see. But I see it all. And I see the perfect opportunity to counter. Time feels like it slows for me as I swing a Sucker Punch into their gut, and subdue the storm, which morphs into an oversized scythe of rainbows. They come right at me, and I'm able to dodge their every move with ease for a few minutes. I get in close and discover the attacker's identity.

"Daikama... you did this?!" I shout angrily. "You bastard! How could one plot to kill the God of Creation?!"

Lani gasps. "You dirty son of a-!" She comes from behind and trips my brother with Low Sweep.

I grab him and Seismic Toss Daikama to the ocean's bottom, holding on to him for good measure. I beat him to a pulp and slam him down. He responds with a blast of raw Rainbow Infinity. Before it hits, though, I notice that Daikama winces, and his hands begin to bleed. I think about this as I fall back down from the clouds.

"Lani!" I shout from the sky.


"The energy!"

"What about it?!"

"It hurts him to use it!"

"Really?!- Ope, he's under the sea now." Lani responds.

I Dive at Daikama and Sucker Punch him. He flinches, and I get an opportunity attack. Underwater, I use Hyper Voice. My brother faints.

Maybe it was the lack of air, maybe I was really loud, maybe he just had low HP. Whatever it was won me the battle. I swim to the surface.

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