The Mist-erious Town of Noe

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Lani and Zeke arrive at Noe Town. They wander through the city until they find a small hole in a tunnel wall. They travel through it in complete darkness until they reach a graffitied marketplace. People there are selling definitely illegal items.

Zeke scans one particular seller's stock for the Entercard when the seller returns from a break. "You seem new to these parts." The seller says. "You lookin' for something exotic?" The seller, a Thievul, asks as he pulls out a box. "These are the most valuable things I've got, and so they're the most pricey. What'cha lookin' for may be here."

Zeke spies the Earth Entercard among the jewels and weapons in the box. "Can I get that card?"

"The card?" The Thievul looks down at the card and up at Zeke. "You're a long way from home. buddy. Come inside."

(Meanwhile, with Lani)

"Hey, girl!" A Krookodile getss Lani's attention. "Come here a moment, will you?"

Lani goes to the building where the Krookodile is.

"You're not from around here, are you? Come in, I'll give you the run-down on how this place works." The Krookodile and Lani enter a shady restuarant. They get some food.

The Krookodile looks at another Pokemon across the bar, who slowly approaches Lani from behind.

Lani is told a bit about the Dark District, then a bag is put over her head.

"Ha! And another thing- Adventurers that wander out here..." The Krookodile states. "Dies."

(Back with Zeke)

Zeke enters the interior of the shop. Many illegal and stolen goods hang on the walls. "Why do you want the Earth Entercard?" Thievul asks.

"Uh... I need it to assemble a Magnagate."

"I heard that the Guild of Worlds was looking for this thing. Information travels faster than boat, you know. If I were any other guy here, I'd have killed you by now. But since Keldeo sent you, I suggest you take it and be on your way." The Thievul wraps the Entercard in a map and gives it to Zeke. "Run along now, before the others realize what's transpired here."

Zeke steps out with the map and card. The suspicious restaurant across the street explodes in an incredible gust of wind from within. Lani is playing a song on the Sky Melodica. They come together and run out of the Dark District, then back onto the boat. They barely make it off the continent when the criminals make it to the docks.

They escaped with the Earth Card and looked at the map. It detailed the locations of all the other Entercards required for off planet travels.

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