The Harnia Burglaries

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A few weeks go by. Lani's gotten a grasp on the Sacred Style: Heal Pulse and has asked Aeko to teach her Sound Style: Hyper Voice and the Speed Style as a whole.

Every morning before they go their separate ways to complete missions, Adelno spars with Zeke over the Worldpool, which is what they titled the lake in the wood's heart.

Every night, Zeke has gone out to the Worldpool and waited for that guy to return, but his darkness ventures have bared no fruit as the cloaked figure has yet to return.

This morning, everyone's been summoned by Natsuki Realmseeker to address a big issue that she wants all available hands to be on right away.

"Good morning, Guild! I hope you've all been doing well. If not, let me know and I'll see what I can do to help. Now, let's move on with the reason I summoned you all here today. So, as anybody who's been in town recently may have heard, there have been many reports of burglaries from a silent perpetrator calling themselves Harnia. Every single burglary has occurred while the victim was home and inside their house. To get to the bottom of this, I'd like any able and available teams to assist in this mission to catch the Harnia Burglar. Everyone who will not be participating is dismissed."

Every team except for those in Adventurers' Party Two left for their missions. "Alright! A party mission!" Aeko exclaimed with enthusiasm and excitement. "Let's all do well with this; We may not get a party mission again for a long time."

"We've received word that their next victim may be the Ekatah Mansion, so I'd like you all to stay there tonight and watch over everything. The Ekatah family keep all their extreme valuables in one large room, so I believe you may want to have someone in there and others posted around the room. The room has four entrances and a vent up above. If you can keep them out without fighting, that would be ideal. Though if it comes to combat, try to keep it as nondestructive as possible, okay? Otherwise we might lose money instead of earning some."

Party Two headed to the Ekatah Mansion, where they were greeted by a Zubat butler. "Yo! I'm Batty, the Butler That Is Not Formal! Welcome to the mansion these blokes live in! I can show you to their valuable room, if ya want. Its around the time of day the guy would strike."

They entered the mansion and hid. At some point, a Loudred managed to silently enter the valuables room. Zeke stood to attack, but bumped a goblet. It hit the ground without a sound. Not even a little dink or a slight ringing. He ran at the Loudred and tackled him.

Or so he thought. The Loudred used Substitute, sensing Zeke's attack, and switched positions with Adelno, who leapt out of the way and began chasing the Loudred through the room. Eventually, Abso Frost of Crimson Gold pounced and barely missed the Loudred. The burglar jumped out the window with a few valuable objects of pure gold. As he ran off into the night, sound returned to the room to reveal everyone's exhaustion and anger. They lacked communication. The guy must've been able to silence them, because the moment he entered, all sound disappeared.

They returned to the guild exhausted, but nobody in Party Two slept a wink that night.

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