The Mightiest of All (Part Eight)

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A world with a thick purple fog. There are floating islands at all angles, and in the cluster of said islands that we dropped into, we're all above each other, and upside down at that. On top of gravity being wonky, it feels like abilities are being suppressed or something. I pull a Luminous Orb out of my bag, and sure enough, it fails to light up the area. 

The grounds rumble and all level out with down being the same direction for all three of us. The islands then connect perfectly, as though they were always meant to be one. The edges of the floating terrain of rock bursts up and traps us with a large, round stone wall that can only be compared to the coliseums Lani described to me once upon a time.

Next, spacial distance begins to shift, and this place gets even larger. And I grow further and further apart from Ario and Natsuki while the growth happens. The landscape fails to support the weirdness, and the center of the arena that just grew before my eyes begins to collapse. A hole of swirling darkness sucks in the ground a bit, and pieces of the walls crack off and fly towards the hole.

The hole suddenly is accompanied by a few more, smaller holes of void. A deafening "EEEE-REEEEEEEAR!!!" is shrieked by something within. The holes rapidly multiply before connecting into one, large hole of nothingness.

I look off at Ario and Natsuki in the distance, who probably aren't as confused as I am, but they definitely have their guards up. Ario with his rainbow spheres of aura and Natsuki seems to be conjuring a small floating ball of light.

A gargantuan shadow, at least eleven times my height and much wider, too, emerges. Near its top, two glowing crimson eyes pop open and look directly as me. Four thick tentacles burst out of it from behind, and a viscous black liquid splatters off of it and begins to drip.

Pointy thingies that look like claws and/or ribs appear and begin glowing red as well. Between the middle two of the six rib-like things, I spot a relatively small, griseous object floating within the gloopy shadow beast.

And thus, our battle with Gloopy Shadow Beast begins.

Ario lets loose his ISAS (Infinity Spiral Aura Sphere, that rainbow ball of aura). Natsuki completes Sunny Day and launches a Solar Beam. And I... well, I look back on everything I've seen in the past. I close my eyes and remember every move I'd ever seen.

"Zora!" Natsuki shouts, causing me to open my eyes. "What're you doing?"

"Huh?!" I shout back, then look around to see that the dark hole that brought Gloopy Shadow Beast to us was under me. "I don't know!!" I roll backwards and drop into the hole.

I pop out of a flowerbed and into the cold hands of a Darkrai catch me. "Hello." He says.

I wiggle away and Dynamic Punch him, but he holds his ground. "You fighting him?"

I cautiously nod my head. He sighs.

"Good luck, then. The God of Antimatter is no joke." The Darkrai tells me before tearing a Time Gear off of the necklace I hadn't realised he'd been wearing. "There's somebody out with an ability that lets them see through time when they touch things. Find them, and have them touch this. If they ask why, tell them that somebody's tryna get home."

He proceeds to Fling the gear at me and knock me into the hole I came out of. He goes into a cabin and brews something as I drop back into the void.

Next thing I know, I'm in the air behind Gloopy Shadow Beast. I shake off some of that viscous black goo and shout, "Hey, Gloopy!" as I turn said goo into one of Adelno's Scaled Style: Water Shurikens. The dragon-essenced goop throwing stars crash into the monster and cause it to lurch forward. It falls out of its hole, which closes up right away.

Time stops. Literally. Natsuki and Ario, who I see were running towards me, freeze as colour gets sucked out of them and the surrounding area. Stone chunks of the walls and ground stop and hold still mid-air. Although, I'm still moving. I hit the ground next to Gloopy Shadow Beast and run. In a little bubble around me, colour and timespace exist.

Sludgester stands and flies around the paused stadium, goop flying off of him. He lands right behind me and roars one more time.

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