An Adventure of Stones and Space

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Kuiper Chasm - Entrance

9:15 AM, Water Standard Time

September Third on the Terran Calendar

Here I am, standing atop an asteroid, with only the blessing of Lunala to keep me warm, breathing, and grounded.

Judging from the depth, I'd say this dungeon has about thirty-four floors, and a clearing room. Probably a rest stop between the twentieth floor and the twenty-first.

Looking in the direction that feels up to me, I barely see Earth on the other side of the enormous planet Jupiter. a teensy little dot, but no mistaking it. That's Earth, all right.

As I approach this dungeon's entrance, a red light flashes from the bottom. For only a second, but it did. Nervous and sure this mission is one of my most dangerous, I jump into the darkness.

Kuiper Chasm - B6F

11:49 AM, Water Standard Time

September Third on the Terran Calendar

After five floors of emptiness, no items, no money, no enemies, I finally found another being. A Solrock floated on by when I was coming up on one of the corridor intersections. I'd try and track it, but my Wonder Map doesn't seem to work in here.

Kuiper Chasm - B11F

14:23 PM, Water Standard Time

September Third on the Terran Calendar

It's becoming increasingly hard to find the stairs on these floors. They keep getting larger and larger, and with more rooms and corridors, I keep going in loops.

Kuiper Chasm - Rest Stop

19:31 PM, Water Standard Time

September Third on the Terran Calendar

After fighting my way out of a full-floor Monster House on the twenty-second floor, I've finally arrived at the rest stop. This should be good, because the constant dungeon crawling is getting to my bones and they feel like mush. Maybe it'll all be good if I just took a little nap...

Kuiper Core - B26F

8:26 AM, Water Standard Time

September Fourth on the Terran Calendar

A full day on Earth, and I'm not even done with this one dungeon. It scares me. What if I don't make it out? What if I never come home..? (whispering noises) This is the kind of thing I don't want to happen, but fear may occur. That's why I'm recording this dungeon attempt. In case someone comes looking for me. But until I make it to the bottom, (unintelligible grumbles from afar) I think I ought to be a bit quieter. The corridors are dark now, and the ground sometimes glows red. I could've sworn I heard a voice. I don't think I'm alone anymore...

Asteroid Centre, I think maybe a quarter past ten in the morning. Should still be the fourth back home.

krrrrrrrrrk... chrrrrrrrrrrntk... Hello? Hello, can anybody hear me? This is La ...krrrrrrk... ida of the Adve ...krrrrrchnk... iverse... (fast and fearful panting) I'm at the bottom of the Kui ...chnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnch... nd can't get out. I'm not alo ...krrrrk... own here... I'm not alone... She fo ...rrrrrrchnch... me and she's here to ge ...brrrrrrrtch... me. Don't trust the (flapping noises muffle words). I repea ...runk chink... the Moon!


Laaaaaaannniiiiiiiiiiiiiii... I oooooooonly waaaaant to heeeeeeellp... Laaaaaaaaannnniiiiiiiii...


Laaaaaaaannniiiii... I foooooouuuuuunnnd yoooooouuuuuuuuu... LANI!


(cracking and screaming for a solid second, then static)

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