AotU vs Daikama! on Burning Baram's Scorched Grounds!

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"Daikama..." Lani growls. "Did you do this?! Are you behind this destruction?!"

The Zoroark appears behind her. "Naturally. Been doing this a lot lately. I had fun doing it to Pokemon Square, so I thought I'd come here."

"You... You're a monster!"

"No, I disagree..." Zeke says, lessening his quivering. "You, Daikama? You're no monster."

Lani and Daikama quietly await Zeke's identification of the foul Zora brother.

"You're a demon."

"Oh, you pathetic, sorry little pipsqueak." Daikama sighs and forms his infinity scythe. "I'm impressed you figured it out. I'm no Pokemon. I'm a demon, like you said. Goodbye, brother. Nobody will miss you." And with that, he swings down upon Zeke.

"No!" The infinity scythe hits Lani. "How?! How can you be this way?! If anybody here doesn't deserve remembrance, it's me or you!!!" The Pixie Plate orbits Lani and she fires a point blank, fairy-type Judgement into Daikama's chest. He flies backwards and his scythe flickers away. Daikama prepares a Shadow Ball and runs on over. Lani jumps over it and, with Extreme Speed, moves Zeke as well.

"Pathetic pipsqueak!" Daikama barks at Zeke. "Let me fight you."

"Hell no!" Lani shouts back for Zeke. "You'll kill him!"

"We'll all be gone by the year's end anyways. With winter approaching and the sun being eaten, what's the point of peace? Happiness? Friends, family, life?"

"There's so much to live for! The world will not end by the year's end! Zeke and I, and Adelno, and Natsuki, and Aeko, and Draki, and Damien, and Spaky, and Abso, and Mag! We'll all pitch in, do what it takes! We're going to the sun and reversing the damage! We'll-!"

"I'll fight." Zeke interrupts. "Alright, brother. Though you should have no right to use it, I'd like a one-on-one battle with the Tekunikkukopī active!"

"An honourable battle between the remains of the Zora bloodline. I see. I will respect this." Daikama says.

They both activate their Tekunikkukopī. The night burns red as the two clash throughout the streets of the cooking town of Baram. Lani, off to the side, observes that, when they only use the same techniques, Zeke appears to be a little better, though not fast enough to get Daikama before the Tekunikkukopī kicks in and allows the older brother to block or dodge. Zeke sees Lani waiting for him and shouts, "Go! To the docks! Get everyone away safely!"

As Lani leaves for the boats down the hill, Zeke manages to get a hit in on Daikama. Daikama pauses for a moment, and Zeke blinks. As he does that, he drops down and Low Sweeps Daikama, tripping him up.

The blink had unlocked both Tekunikkukopī, as for a split second neither could see the other's eyes. As Daikama fell, he realized this. And since it affected him, it affected Zeke. Daikama unfairly made his infinity scythe and began slashing at Zeke wildly. There! He chops up... a wooden door.

"Wahaha! Ay, Daikama, t'was but a door! Thou canst not identify the illusions of mine? Pffft. You need to learn to to that, stat." Daikama attacks. This time, it's a fountain. Enraged, he attacks everything, for it all looks like Zeke to him. The real Zeke slinks away, knowing he cannot defeat Daikama yet.

At the docks, he sees Lani helping the last person into the last boat. Zeke runs up and, as the last person is in, pushes Lani in, unteathers this boat, and gets in as well.

The boats of Baram citizens float towards Lively Town on the Water Continent. Zeke uses a communication device to let the Expedition Society know that they'll have many new and unexpected visitors soon.

Daikama, having leveled the city, teleports away, extra upset that his brother escaped.

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