The Mightiest of All (Part Two)

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Sunlight filters through the concrete ceiling and illuminates the central room of the Decrepit Lab. Running along the east and west walls are many rusted pipes protecting wires. They connect generators from other rooms to two extremely large glass tubes covered in cracks. Electricity also flows to the enormous computer on the northern wall of the room. Right in the middle of the room is a magenta dome connected to a third power source beneath the oxidized copper tiles on the floor.

"Where is it?" A Lucario asks himself as he enters this room. "'Ario, go to the Air Continent' She said. 'Investigate the Decrepit Lab. It'll be fun.' Bah. This is stupid. Nothing of interest. Just weird technology that we... couldn't build alone? Hold up."

Ario goes to the computer and tries to activate it. "Course it's unpowered. This place is ancient." With that, he glances at the pipes and wires. "Generators. Great." Ario follows the west wires.

He steps back out of the room and into a long corridor. Many rooms like that one are at least somewhat accessible from here. He follows the cords down the hall and descends into the basement.

Ario conjures an Aura Sphere and holds it in his right hand, bringing blue-tinted light into the dark room. Tons of shelves sit, covered in dust. Items and files organized in alphabetical order. He weaves between shelves and metal boxes until the large generator is reached. A big, yellow and grey box with lights and switches. He pulls a lever on it and the basement lights turn on.

"Might as well look through this stuff while I'm here." Ario groans, and picks up a box labelled Experiments. He brings it to a cracked stone table and opens it. "Adamant Orb, Arceus, Ascension Mark, Berserk Gene, Cellular Repelication, Creation of Life, DNA Rewriting, Dubious Virus-Z, Frenzy Card, Genesect, Genesis Project 16, Griseous Orb, Holocaster, Infinity Energy, Jirachi Caller, Lifeforce Rerouter, Lustrous Orb, Magearna, Magnetic Evolution, Mew, Mightiest Project, Mind Management, Nevermelt Ice, Pokemon Construction, Pokerus, Porygon, Porygon2, Swords of Justice, Victini, Volcanion, Volcarona, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde... What was this place?" Ario flips through the files Ascension Mark, Genesis Project 16Infinity Energy, Lifeforce Rerouter, Mightiest, and Pokerus.

"'The Mightiest of All'..." Ario reads out of the Mightiest file. "'It's vicous tendencies were uncurbable. Even after they called me out here, nothing we did calmed it. We lose more handlers every day. The government said that harnessing Mew's power was our best bet at crushing the other regions... But supreme power is simply a curse. I fear that it will soon become beyond even the strongest of Pokemon. If I don't make it out of here alive... No, that's not the Fuji mindset. I'll make it home... But I can't help wondering how long we humans will be around for after this thing escapes. An inevitable fate... To be removed and replaced by the very creatures we call partners.'"

Ario takes a deep breath. "That's not cryptic at all... a strongest Pokemon made by man... 'The Mightiest of All'... Shit."

Ario hikes back upstairs and to the computer room. The other generator seems to be active already, so he turns on the computer with ease. He plugs a USB Drive into it and copies all the Decrepit Lab's data onto the drive. To ensure no one uses this information for something sinister, he rains the building with Aura Spheres and Dragon Pulses the computer for good measure.

Ario leaps off the floating island with the USB and a few files in his arms. "I'm coming home, Natsuki." He whispers to himself. "You'd be surprised how many things we still don't know."

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