Magnagate Made

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"You sure you want to do this?" Natsuki Realmseeker, the indigo-leaved Leafeon in charge of the Guild of Worlds asks Adelno Realmseeker, a black Frogadier with rainbow bubbles and yellow eyes.

"Yeah, I think it's the only way."

Natsuki sighs. "You know what'll happen if you do that to your soul. Even if it hurts the Heart of Darkness and the Star of Lost Souls to the point where is dissipates and we win. Please, we lost Ario. I don't want to lose my only other brother."

"Nat..." Adelno puts his hand on her shoulder. "It'll be fine. Promise!" He smiles at his older sister.

"Alright. But only use it as your last resort! If Lani's Judgement can't cut it, you should be able to suceed from inside the heart. But please try and avoid it..."

"I will."

"You will..? Try and avoid it or do it right away?"

"The former."

"Ah, okay. Thank goodness."

Keldeo runs outside and calls out to the two Realmseekers. "They're back!"


"The Adventurers of the Universe! Lani and Zeke came back with all three cards!"

"Already?! Woohoo!"

Out front, all of the Guild gathers around Lani, Zeke, and Keldeo. Keldeo takes the Earth and Wind cards in the Magnagate mat. Then he carefully opens the Expedition box and takes out the artifact within, placing it on the mat. "Earth, Wind, and Fire." He pulls out a card of his own. "And Cosmos."

The mat erupts with Infitiny Energy straight from the Earth's leylines. Three red rings appear and glow around the mat. "Who's coming?!" Keldeo shouts over the roaring of the wind disrupted by the Magnagate.

All of Adventurer Party Two steps into the inner circle and disappear, followed by the AotU. Then Adelno rushes in. A light geyser erupts when someone enters, and gets ever smaller following the first entrance. Two of the rings fade with a boom. Right before the last ring dissipates and the gate closes, someone runs in with them. Nobody knows who, though, as they ran too fast to tell.

Celestial Crevice - Floor One

"Where... Are we?" Aeko the Bui groans.

"I don't know what this is..." Mag the Magnemite responds.

They're on a small path that goes up and down. Three tiles wide and countless tiles long, it appears to be a-

"It's a Mystery Dungeon, created by the powers of the Ley Lines. Magnagates can't completely teleport Pokemon to their destination; They need to create mini dungeons like this one. This one is an interesting one spanning multiple Celestial Bodies, or big space things like planets, stars, and large enough asteroids." A voice explains.

"Ario?" Adelno turns around.

They hug. "I've missed you, buddy." Ario says.

"Alrighty then, enough with the reunion here!" Aeko announces. "I'm happy that Ario's here, too, and alive, but we can be happy after we save the world from a Future of Darkness..."

"Right, right!" They stop and the party walks down the path. Nothing happens up until the third floor.

Celestial Crevice - Floor Three

Many Minior in their Shields Down form attack from above. With Cosmic Power, they do a bit of damage before being taken out by Draki's Iron Tail.

The party continues onward.

Celestial Crevice - Floor Nine

"We're just about there. This was the last floor." Ario declares as they exit the dungeon and end up inside the Star of Lost Souls. Everything is a pale yellow except for the ground, which is mainly purple and black, with a hint of orange sprinkled here and there.

Star of Lost Souls

"We made it..." Lani says, seeming kind of down.

"What's up?" Zeke questions.

"If the tales of the human heroes are true... will I disappear when this is over?"

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