The Mightiest of All (Part Six)

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"Why are we back in Noe Town?" Lani asks as we weave through the crowd of customers and merchants doing business at the semi-annual Mist Continent grand selling fair. "I mean, how's this going to help us find power boi?"

I finish eating a cookie I'd picked up from a cafe here, and then turn to my adventuring partner. "I know a guy."

We make it to a tunnel and I move aside a couple of trash bins. We crawl through a dark and dingy hole that the bins concealed.

"Lani Nishida," I say as we emerge, "I welcome you back to the Noe Town Dark District."

The two of us walk up to a wooden counter under a red shade. Behind the counter is a red brick building with more red, this time in curtain form, covering up the windows. I ring a bell on the counter.

"I'll be right there!" A voice shouts from inside. Out comes a Thievul, wearing sunglasses and a red fedora with a black stripe. "Ah, how nice to see you again! My most heroic customer, Zorua. Pleasure to have you here again." He says to me.

"Good to see you too, Thievul." I say.

"Come in, come in!" He pushes us inside before closing the door. "What's up?"

"Well, uh... I was wondering if you knew someone with overwhelming power..?"

"This is a dingy, overpopulated city. I know a lot of powerful people. You gotta be more specific, Zorua."

"Okay. Sure. Um, so my brother just died. He said he made a deal with someone and, from what evidence I gathered, he got Rainbow Infinity in exchange for free will." I say. "This person describes themselves as a demon, and sees everything as inferior to them. They also used my brother to kill hundreds. Uh, you heard about Baram Town, right?"

"Like I told you last time you were here, information travels faster than boat. Of course I heard. It was horrible. I don't know anybody who'd make someone do such things." Thievul responds. "Not personally, anyways."

"So you do know somebody?" Lani asks.

"Right. Forgot you were here, Poochyena. Yes, I 'know' somebody. But I've never met them, nor do I have the intention of going to them."

"Where might we be able to find this person?" I ask. "Please. I need to make sue this kind of thing never happens again."

Thievul looks past Lani and I. "You should ask Natsuki Realmseeker. She's been working on technology to go to this person for years now, ever since the Guild of Worlds became a busy adventurers' guild."

I turn to see what he's looking at. A picture of a young Nickit in excessive red, a Keldeo, a blue and brown Eevee, and a Ponyta with white fire. I look back at him and thank him. "Thanks, Thievul. How can I repay you for this information?"

"Anything for a friend of mine. Now, you go run along and stay safe. I suggest getting details on the tech directly from the source. Straight from your guildmistress." Thievul says.

I nod as Lani and I head out of the building. I turn my head forward to find...

A Mewtwo. Behind it, a Lucario, blue Leafeon, Absol, and Mawile.

"Heeeeey... Natsuki... We were just leaving to go find you... eheh... heh... oh... mmmmm..."

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