Recovery Mission Beyond the Sea (of Time)!

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"Ooh, I've got you now!" Lani shouts at something moving through the trees. "Zeke! It's time!"

Zeke drops from above the thing and knocks it to the ground. Lani throws a container at him, and he puts the thing inside. They  shut the container and return to town.

"Here you go, Mr Leon!" Lani says as Zeke puts the container on the counter of the purple Kecleon's shop. "One sack of runaway Quick Seeds!"

"Thank you! My, you two have been such a great help to the folks in the village lately! Foraging for berries for my shop and the cafe, taking down petty thieves, guarding the bank and storage facilities, taking over for shopkeepers, babysitting children, you've done it all! Thank you so much. Here's your 200 Poke reward, as promised. And take any two things from the store! It's on the house for you two today, since you're so helpful."

They pick out an Empowerment Seed and an odd looking deck of cards that Leon claims to not know the origins of, and they return to the guild. During dinner, Party Two look over the cards, and find a singular card sleeve that came with them. Zeke puts a card in it that reads "Take a trip through a rip and explore the tower temporal." He is sucked through a rift in time and space and disappears as it closes. The card is shot out of the sleeve and across the Mess Hall.

"Uh... What just happened?" Aeko asks, even though everyone else in the guild is in just as much confusion as her.

"I think... the card stole him." Lani said.

A Torchic and Chikorita run over to the Adventurers' Party with their card. "So, you guys used the card to send one of your friends to the Hidden Lands?!" The Torchic shouts as he jumps on the table. "What in the name of Dialga were you thinking?!"

"Dialga?" Lani asks.

"Yeah! You, Poochyena girl, you're his closest friend, right? Come with us." The Torchic demands.

The Torchic and Chikorita walk with Lani to the docks, where a Lapras bathed in a turquoise light waits for them. They get on and begin crossing the ocean.

"Alright. I'm Teno." The Torchic finally introduces himself.

"And I'm Chiki." The Chikorita provides her name. "And we're Team ForestFire!"

"We don't cause forest fires, though. Just so we're clear." Teno clears up.

"Where are we going?" Lani asks.

The Lapras turns her head and answers. "Beyond the Sea of Time, of course!"

"Beyond the Sea of Time?"

"Yes. If you stare at the sea ahead, there's a spot that looks different from its surroundings." Lapras points out the glowing ball in the water.

"Woah! What is that?"

"The border between the gap in time. Pass through there, and we'll get to the Hidden Land." She explains.

"The Hidden Land?"

"It's where your friend has gone." Chiki says. "The Hidden Land is a continent in the Dial Realm. It's beautiful. And the Hidden Land is home to Temporal Tower, where Dialga resides."

"Where Dialga resides..." Lani mumbles, then shouts, "Alright! Let's go the the Hidden Land and come back with Zeke!"

Running at them from behind is the Cloaked Riolu. He jumps off the water and onto Lapras's back. "Sorry to interrupt, but I'd like to come to. Someone lives there that I must speak with."

Before anyone can deny him transport, they enter the light ball. They come out the other side, floating in the center of a large, cyan tube.

"Woah! Are we..?" Lani begins to ask.

"Yes. We are now crossing the Sea of Time." Cloaked Riolu says.

"You've been here before, haven't you?" Teno asks.

"I have. And it seems so have you."

"Yeah. Well, I had to stop Dialga from, uh... well... er..."

"Going Primal and allowing time to stop completely?"

"Yeah. Wait, how'd you know that?!"

"My friend out there told me about you guys. Teno and Chiki. He misses you, too."


Lapras passes through another ball of light and stops in front of a forest. "We're here."

"Wow." Lani looks at the world that they are now in. A large floating island, and a tower hovering at the end of it.

"This is as far as I can take you. Return to me, please, once you've found your friend. And do not go to the tower." Lapras says as everyone gets off her back.

They run through a forest mystery dungeon, hiding in bushes and trees to avoid Magmortar, Exeggutor, and Abomasnow. They sneak passed the powerful foes and make it to an ancient temple. After observing some murals and climbing steps, the group goes to the temple's outer west side, where they find a cabin.

They enter it and find a Grovyle and a pink Celebi. The Grovyle stands up from his armchair by the fireplace and turns, shocked to see Teno and Chiki at the door. He runs over to them and hugs them. "Oh my goodness! Teno! Chiki! It's been so long."

"Sequoia?" Teno asks. "Is it really you? I thought that you... died..."

"It's me. We're safe. Though there's someone not from around here that Celene seems worried about. Some Zorua was being chased by a Mega Garchomp."

"That must be Zeke!" Lani says. "Where'd he go?"

"Oh. Uh... Well..." Sequoia Grove groans.

"Where'd he go?"

"Mmm... I don't know if you want to chase after him now..."

"C'mon, just tell us!"

"It's too dangerous an area for youse!"

"Try us."

"Fine." Sequoia gives in with a sigh. "He went to the Spacial Cliffs." 

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