Who, What, Where? A Continent with a Fitting Name!

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Zeke and Lani thank Ampharos of the Expedition Society for providing shelter to the few hundreds of former Baram residents. Next, the duo meet Barry the Buizel, cousin of Aeko the Bui who's at the Guild of Worlds. He hooks them up with a boat and "definitely reliable" directions to get to the Sand Continent. They depart.



"Urgh... such... choppy... waves..."


They finally reach land after sitting in a rocking boat in a storm for countless hours. Though instead of finding a hot, dry, sand-covered land, they find a large, foggy island with a forest, ruin, and tower all somewhat visible through the low clouds.

"The Mystery Continent..." Zeke mumbles.

Lani tilts her head. "What?"

"The Mystery Continent. A mysterious, large island barely anybody has ever been to. Home to the Destiny Tower, a Lake that shimmers with a Mysterious Light, and a few ruins, though only the Guidance Ruins have been fully explored." Zeke explains the mysteriousness of the mysterious Mystery Continent, which is a bit of a mystery that mystifies Lani.

"How... do we get back?" Lani asks.

"Not sure. The Expedition Society went here a few years back, but never disclosed its exact location. So we could be at the top of the world, the bottom, or in another realm."

"Welp, looks like we're stuck here! Might as well have a good time while we're here, right?"

"Guess so..."

Lani and Zeke wander the Mystery Continent a bit, coming across and spending a few hours as the Lake of Mysterious Light. They play music on the melodica, whistle, sing, run around, chat, laugh, and smile.

Afterwards, they go deeper into the Mystery Continent, where they find a cabin much like that of the Grove couple's in the Hidden Land. They enter to find a creature Zeke's never seen before, but Lani recognizes so easily. A human. Not in a Pokemon form, either. Just... a human. He looks to be about seventeen years of age. "Ah! Intruders!" He shouts, reaching for the longsword hanging over the fireplace. "Oh... phew! It's just some Pokemon. Thought youse were Cloaks. Where are your trainers, little ones?"

Zeke stares at the boy. Lani answers, "Trainers? Do you know what year it is?" Then whispers to Zeke asking what year it was. "It's 6142! No humans are even alive anymore!"

"What?! I... when it went down... t'was... 3079..." The human says.

How freaking long has this kid been alive? Thirty-one hundred years?! Sheesh! Lani thinks to herself.

"Ha!" He pumps his fists and jumps in the air. "Three millennia ago, I fought an interdimensional beast called Deltaria, and it killed basically everyone. The regions of the world were destroyed. The only ones that survived to fight it were me, Keiko Oak, my dad Lucas Middleton, his dead friend Angeo Grant, my dad's work partner Grey Sahndevuhl, and my teacher Shino Naitfall... Keiko and I drank a potion right after slaying Deltaria, and the world exploded... If it worked for me, it must've for her, too! She's gotta be alive somewhere... if I can find her... hoooooo boy!"

"Woah there, calm down! What even is your name?"

"My name? Oh, easy points! Ikazuchi Angeo Middleton!"

"Huh. You know, Ikazuchi, I'm a human, too." Lani says. "From the year 2019, but still."

"A'ight, out now. Only bother me if you need me. Out!" Ikazuchi proceeded to kick them out with his feet.

"Wha-?" Zeke starte-

"That was a human. As a human. Named Ikazuchi. And I guess the world ended three thousand years ago? Not quite sure what he said. Something about a girl named Keiko? A dead guy helping save him? A potion?" Lani tried to give Zeke the rundown.

"Hmph." Zeke responded.

Moving on with their lives, Lani and Zeke went to a shore on the continent, where they found an Expedition Society boat arriving for a mission. It was Ampharos, Mawile, and Jirachi that showed up. Lani asked Jirachi to send them home, and home they went. But not before Mawile handed Zeke an old, dusty box.

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