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It's been a month and things have been weird since Cole told Coven everything. He's avoided her and tends to lock himself up. Today was her ceremony to become an official doctor and she stood in front of his office door. She opens it and quickly shuts it after seeing him and one of his exes. Mateo walks into the house with a grin, but frowns seeing her watery eyes.

"Covey, what happened?" He asks.

"H-He's with an ex. I-I just wanted to see if he would come with me to the ceremony. I-I need to go." She whispers as she runs off as she felt like she was going to break down.

He opens the door and pulls his gun out. "Hell no! No skank hurts my Covey!" He growls as he shoots her. Brain matter, flesh and blood cover the wall. Cole let's an annoyed sigh out as he pushes the now very much dead skank off his lap.

"What happened to only wanting Coven?" He asks as he holsters his gun again.

"I told her about my parents and Azora." He says and Mateo quiets. Azora...that was his girlfriend.

"And you take it out on her. By hurting her this way. She wants something with you man. And right now, you should be readying yourself. She the first one in a century of our mafia to strive this well medically. She finished her training in a month. Her ceremony is today. This is suppose to be a happy day for her, but you've ruined that." He says angrily before leaving.

He heads upstairs to see Coven nowhere in Coles room. He goes to the guest bedroom to see that she had hastily moved everything in here. It was thrown on the floor close to the closet and she laid on the bed.

"Mr. Kia, Kylie, and his kids will be here tonight. They'll be staying the next few nights." He says softly as he sits on the chair next to her bed, his back facing the doorway, but he faced her back. Cole was in the doorway, watching the two.

"I don't even want to go now." She says as she stares at the wall blankly.

"Well, you are the center of it all Covey." He teases.

"I had a brother once." She says and Mateo looks at her confused as Cole looks at her surprised.

"What? And what do you mean once?" He asks.

"Father shot him. Then locked us in the basement with nothing. It was empty at the time. His name was Gotham. My mother had a thing for gothic names. Real creative there. He was so good with blades. Better than I ever could of been. I quit training with blades when he died. Point is, I called him Blade. It suited him. He was shot and ultimately he bled out. I was pretty young. I was twelve and he was nine. Father got so mad at him for no reason. It wasn't even his fault. It should've of been me. That's why I've been determined to help people since. My little brother died in my arms. I tried everything to stop the bleeding. Pressure. Packing it. But, father waited and waited until he knew that he'd be dead." She says, still staring at the wall.

"He sounded amazing. Your brother." Mateo says.

"He was. He would of been my biggest hype man here today. He knew how much the medical world meant to me when we were younger. I was so determined to save lives. But, it won't bring back Blade." She says.

"Did you see his body ever again?" He asks.

"What kind of sick question is that?" She asks as she sits up and looks at him.

"Hear me out. We have a boy we found a long time ago who said he was nine. He wouldn't give us his full name. He just said Blade. He had a gunshot wound. He said one day he'd save his sister from their monster of a father." He says.

"Wait...black hair. Baby blue eyes that are literally the unrealistic blue eye color I've ever seen?" She asks and he nods.

"Just don't get your hopes super high. Let me call him. He was on a mission last time I checked." He says as he pulls his phone out and puts it on speaker.

"Mateo! I'm not there for you to fuck!" He shouts. Mateo blushes and Coven was wide eyed.

"Hey! Your on speaker and there is a quite innocent young woman next to me you just scarred." Mateo scolds.

"Oh sheesh! Sorry miss!" He exclaims.

"Blade. What was your sisters name?" He asks.

"What the fuck Mateo? I told you I never ever wanted you to bring her up. I'm going to get her back dammit." He snaps angrily.

"Don't hang up!" Coven exclaims.

"What? What's going on Mateo?" He asks.

"Tell me her name. We saved a young woman for being abused by her father not long ago." He says.

"Blade..." He says after silence and Coven snatches the phone from him.

"Is your name Gotham Aiden?" She asks.

"Coven? Is that really you?" He asks as tears well in his eyes.

"Blade! Your alive! I thought you were dead!" She says.

"Almost. But, Coles family and Mateo saved me." He says.

"I'm so so so sorry. I'm such a bad big sister." She says.

"What? You are the best Coven. You saved my ass so many times back then. I'm sure you would've continued if father hadn't got rid of me like that. I'm on my way back. I'll be there in half an hour." He says.

"Blade, dress nice. It's Covens ceremony for her medical thingy she did. She's a doctor here at the mafia now." Mateo says.

"I always knew she could do it. She is who saved my life that day. If it wasn't for her. I would've been dead. I would've bled out." He says.

"I'll see you soon?" Mateo asks.

"Yea. Keep it in your pants until after her ceremony bro." He says and Mateo growls as Blade laughs and hangs up.

"My brother and you?" She asks.

"We've had a few flings. Um...Azora, Coles sister is my girlfriend. She, Blade and I all had a very complex relationship." He says.

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