𝟏𝟓.| 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝

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She stood up from the desk in their room. Cole was moved back to their home and he was still in a comatose state it seemed, but he was breathing on his own now. She stretches as she grabs the loads of files that she finished. She walks downstairs and put them on the cart she set up for Mateo to take. She heard a thump and rushes upstairs to see Cole on the floor. He groans.

"Cole! You shouldn't be walking!" She exclaims as she rushes to him.

"I can't walk. Why can't I walk?" He asks as she wraps his arms around her neck, her arms around his waist as she manages to get him up. She gets him to the bed and helps him situate.

"Cole, you've been in a coma for seven months and a week. Just a week ago you were able to start breathing on your own." She says as she takes his hand.

"What? You...how are you?" He asks.

"I'm fine. I've just been praying you'd wake up and you did." She says and he smiles slightly at her. He grabs the water from the nightstand.

"I'm sorry. I should of gotten you that." She says as he drinks the water.

"Coven, baby, I'm fine. Here soon I'll be walking again." He says.

"Yes you will. I'll say I don't know how you do mafia work every single day." She says. His head snaps towards her as he remembers writing her name down to handle the mafia if something were to happen to him.

"Baby, I shouldn't of written your name down. I should've thought about how stressful that would be for you." He says.

"I don't mind it Cole. I just wasn't use to it. It's the least I could do to help. Especially since Blade and Mateo are a mess right now. They can't handle each other's presence let alone focus on something." She says while rolling her eyes in annoyance of the two.

"What's wrong with them?" He asks.

"God only knows. To be honest, when aren't those two idiotas arguing. Sometimes I just wanna grab them by the ears and smack them in the back of the head with a wooden spoon until they learn their lesson." She rants frustrated. He raises an eyebrow and she huffs.

"Look, just rest. Don't rush the road to recovery. You just woke up, let yourself adjust to being awake. Time is going to probably seem like a long time now that you've woke up." She says and he groans.

"I just want to have things go back to normal." He says angrily and she coils back from him. She was hurt by his outburst of anger.

"Go away!" He shouts and a tear falls down her cheek.

"Y-You need h-help getting around." She says.

"I don't need anything! Go! Get out! Leave me alone!" He shouts as he sits up quickly.

"Go!" He shouts again, spit flying in all sorts of directions.

"Cole...come on. Be reasonable. You just woke up. You need someone to check you out." She whispers.

"Go! Get out of my house! Better yet, get off my fucking property! It was you who caused me to be in this position! The surgery—you did it! You did this to me!" He shouts and she lets out a sob as she rushes out.

She keeps running down the stairs. "Coven! Slow down! What's wrong!?" Mateo asks as he manages to grab a hold on her. Blade walks in and sees his sisters distress.

"Let me go! It's my fault!" She sobs.

"Coven, what's your fault?" Blade asks.

"Coles awake! I did the surgery and he's right, it's my fault! Let me go! He doesn't want me here anymore!" She says.

"He just woke up Covey. Don't let him get to you. He doesn't know what's going on and you know that better than anyone." Mateo says.

"No! He said he wants me out of his house and off of his property! He doesn't want me here. Let me go!" She says and he sighs as he does. She runs down the stairs and out the door. Mateo and Blade storm up to the bedroom where Cole held onto the bed post trying to walk.

"What the hell? She handles the mafia for seven months, one of the few who had hope you'd wake up, she stayed by your side for seven months, she saved your life multiple occasions, and you told her you loved her before you went under for your surgery. The same surgery she risked her life for to finish! And this is how you treat her in return!?" Blade growls.

"I can't walk! Why can't I walk!?" He shouts as he falls again.

"You've been out for seven months Cole. It's going to take time. And you should probably start thinking about how to fix things before it's too late." Blade says.

"Why fix things when I don't care? Her father is dead and she is safe to return to Kia and his family. She doesn't need me." He snaps as Mateo put him on the bed again.

"She is in love with you you idiot! I've never seen my sister so damn happy, let alone so in love! I've never seen her adore anyone like this before! My sister loves you and this is how you treat her! She's sobbing! Because of you! She's heartbroken because of you!" Blade growls.

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