𝟐𝟎.| 𝐋-𝐎-𝐕-𝐄

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Cole and Coven sat at their table in a comfortable silence. Their dinner has been eaten already and they were almost finished with dessert. Cole cleared his throat, deciding to break the silence.

"Baby, where's the ring at?" He asks and she looks up at him confused.

"What ring?" She asks.

"It matches your necklace, earrings and bracelet. It should've been in the box." He says and she pales.

"I-I didn't see it in the box Cole. I'll look at soon as I get home. Oh lord." She says feeling her stomach churn. These are real diamonds. All of which is expensive. She felt guilty that she lost the ring already. He stands up and she looks down feeling guilty. His hand gently cups her jaw and she looks at him confused.

"You done eating?" He asks and she nods, not able to stomach anything else. He nods with a soft smile as he goes to the desk to pay. She stands and follows after him. They walk out and he leads her to the car. He drives for a few minutes before parking the car.

"Would you like to walk with me in the park?" He asks and she nods. He gets out and she gets her door open. He gets there and frowns.

"I open your doors baby and close them. I also help you out of the car and in the car. I help you sit in a chair and push it in." He rambles and she giggles as she closes the car door. He smiles and opens it before helping her out. He closes the door before locking the car. They walk along the beautifully lit park. Her heels clicked and clacked against the cobblestone.

He gently stops her and she looks confused as he moves in front of her. "Cole, if this is about the ring, I swear I'll find it. I'm sorry." She says as she stresses herself out even more about it.

"Baby, stop worrying about the ring. And listen to me." He says firmly and she nods her head slowly, fearful of what he was going to say.

"You asked me why I wanted you as my wife. You thought I'd be miserable and unhappy with you, but that's far from true. I was miserable and unhappy without you. But, I'm so happy and I'm so overwhelmed with joy when I'm with you. When I'm not with you, I feel like I'm going to go insane without you. I can't get you out of my head. Your like my own personal drug, that I can't get enough of." He says and she listened to every word. Her eyes watered, god was she in love with this man or what?

"I wanted to save you from your father and I had asked multiple times if you could join my mafia. He always said no. So, when he was still on debt with me, I thought of a way to get you to me sooner. I know, selfish. But, an arranged marriage. I was so so scared that you wouldn't of wanted me at all. So, that's why I did the arranged marriage because I was being selfish. I wanted you for myself. I planned to spoil you and give you gifts. Give you love and care. Because I wanted you to love me the way I loved you." He said.

"I love you." She whispers and he smiles before he drops to a knee and she gasps as he holds his palm out. It was a ring that matched her set of jewelry.

"You didn't lose the ring. I've had it all along. I have several actually. I was unsure if you'd like the set I bought, but I know you love it so this is the ring that goes with the set. I've had it all night. Coven, I've been wanting to ask this question for so damn long and do it the proper way with the perfect ring...Coven Odette Wisteria, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asks and the tears fell from her eyes.

"Yes. A million times, yes!" She exclaims as she launches herself at him so she was hugging him tightly. He chuckles as he hugs her back tightly.

"Don't cry baby." He murmurs as her body shakes lightly with sobs.

"It's okay! It's happy tears! I-I've never felt so happy and this date and this was all just...perfect. Your so perfect Cole. Thank you so much for this night, I'll never forget it." She says and he kisses her neck.

"Good, because this is a night I won't let you forget." He says as he stands up, bringing her up as well. He gently pulls away and grabs her left hand. He puts the ring on her ring finger slowly, keeping eye contact with her.

"Your going to be my wife soon enough because I'm not waiting a damn lifetime to make you Coven Odette Morpheus." He says and she giggles.

"What if I wanted to keep my maiden name?" She asks and his eyes narrow before she bursts into giggles.

"I'm kidding! I want to take your last name! Only if you allow me to." She says and he snorts.

"I already said I want your last name to be Morpheus. And damn it, it will be." He says and she giggles while nodding. He picks her up bridal style causing her to squeal in surprise. He starts back the way they came in long strides.

"Cole, we didn't finish our walk." She pouts.

"Another day baby because I'm going to ravish you tonight." He says lowly. She whimpers as a heat ignites between her legs at the sound of his how low voice that he wouldn't realize had such a strong power over her.

"Nice and hard?" She asks quietly as she blushes and he looks down at her.

"Nice and hard." He confirms with a wicked grin.

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