𝟑𝟏.| 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡

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"Oh my god." Coven hisses through clenched teeth as she writhes around on the bed. Azora, Blade and Mateo stood back against the wall, watching her sadly, not liking that she was in pain. She denied the options of an epidural or anything to take the pain away in general. She insisted she wanted a natural birth. Cole patted her forehead with a damp rag as he softly encouraged how good she was doing.

She was almost at ten. She had been stuck at seven for a long time and finally moved to eight and a half. Cole moves away from the bed, grabbing a few hair ties and a brush. "Hey baby, let me do your hair real quick to get it out of the way." He murmurs and she moves just a little bit so he could have access to her hair.

He braided her hair before he put it up in a bun. It had grown longer during the past almost two years. She'd been talking about cutting it, but he suggested to wait until after Solace was born because then she could pull her hair back more during his birth.

She whines as she lays on the bed on her side. The Chief comes in, as she wanted him to deliver Solace. "Let's check and see how far along you are." He says softly knowing she was in a lot of pain, not to mention how small she was. She rolls on her back. Mateo, Blade and Azora move to the other side of her bed as The Chief feels for the centimeters.

"Ten. See, the end of the labor process went a lot faster. Now, when you have the urge to push, I want you to push, okay?" He says before calling a few nurses in. He sits on the edge of the bed as two nurses help her get into a birthing position that she wanted. It was simple and easy enough for her. Cole holds her hand tightly.

She feels the urge to push and she immediately pushes with all that she had. Cole winced as he didn't like to hear his special woman in pain. Her moans and hoarse screams of pain were all a heartache. Azora took over dabbing at her forehead as Blade held her other hand. Mateo rubbed her back gently.

"Your crowning!" The Chief exclaims after awhile of painful and hard pushes. She was panting and felt like she was being torn apart, but she pushes harder as she screams louder.

"There you go! Give me a couple more pushes like that Coven! Then you son Solace will be here and wanting his momma." He says and she nods breathlessly before she started to push again. She pushes herself forwards, straining her body with this push before she stopped. She pants heavily as she lets tear fall. She pushes again and is shocked when crying fills the room. She lays back as The Chief grins.

"I'm honored to present the sixth generation of the Morpheus, the second generation I've delivered. Solace Morpheus." He says as he rounds the bed and hands him to Coven who almost bursts into happy tears seeing him. His big blue eyes looked up at her. His full head of black hair kind of reminded her of a Mohawk right now.

He had a small button nose and he was really small for being held to full term. He starts to wail loudly and Cole helps her undo one of the buttons on the shoulder of the gown before she raises him to her breasts. She helps him latch on, but he goes quiet after that, sucking on her breasts. Milk would occasionally dribble out. She remembered to clean her nipples up after she had let Azora suck on them.

"He's beautiful." Azora says in awe.

"He's so small..." Mateo whispers.

"And innocent." Blade whispers.

"And he looks like Cole so much, but he has your nose. And light freckles." Azora says softly.

Cole was trying to fight back the tears in his eyes as he stared down at his son who currently was breastfeeding from his beautiful wife.

He tilts her head back and she looks up at him confused. He kisses her passionately. She was surprised before she softly kisses him back. He was the first to pull away, but he cups her cheeks.

"Thank you so much Coven for being my wife, being the love of my life. And giving us a child...Solace...I can't wait for us to have more. I want a huge family with you and I wouldn't want it with anyone else. I'd like to thank you again, and being such a strong and amazing woman." He says and her lip trembles. He quickly kisses her again which she responds with before they pull apart.

Azora happily looked at the child. Mateo and Blade no longer looked at the child's face, but their girlfriends face. They now saw how she was dreaming this was them. They now knew they better start tying the knot with her before giving her a child or children.

"Alright Coven. Let me take that precious boy from you. We'll get his measurements and stuff while you push the placenta out and get cleaned up. Then I'll give him back to you. I'm going to give him a quick bath. Is there anything special you wanted to use for him?" The Chief asks as she pulls the small baby boy away from her breast, and Cole being quick to get her breast covered and snapping the gown back together.

"Yeah. I assumed he may possibly get even more sensitive skin like me possibly. Babe, will you grab them from the bag?" She asks softly and he nods as he goes to one of two of their hospital bags. He pulls out the little caddy and then a plain onesie.

"I'll probably send Cole to get some smaller diapers. I didn't expect him to be so small." Coven says as she reaches her hand out, gently brushing hair off his forehead.

"Neither did I, but he seems to be a healthy little boy so far. I'm sure you'll manage to get him to proper size and weight for a newborn. I'll let Cole know a brand of diapers that are super good and they have sizes for smaller babies like Solace here." The Chief says and she nods.

"Thank you Chief. I'm happy it was you that got to deliver Solace." She says and he smiles as he fights the hurricane of emotions going through him right now.

"I couldn't be happier to have done so Coven. I was honored. Twenty eight years ago, I delivered Cole...I never expected to deliver another Morpheus. Not that it's bad, because I'm honored and thank you for letting me." He says looking down at the curious baby who was stretching and already wiggling around.

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