𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐔𝐒| 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐞, 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐨, & 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐬

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Cole sat in his office, stressed from working when Mateo walks in with Blade behind him. Cole stayed quiet as he focused on this file. Mateo started to talk business and Cole would occasionally comment in return on some things. Blade motioned Mateo to shut up before standing. He rounds the desk and pushes Coles chair back. Cole looks at him confused before watching him push his pants and boxers down. Cole stands up and follows in suit like Mateo before the three were bare to each other.

Mateo stood in front of Cole while Blade stood behind Cole. Mateo kisses Cole hotly as Blade slams his hard cock into Coles ass. Cole was winded by this and Mateo chuckles softly. He kisses down Cole's jawline and neck before crouching down and starting to suck his cock. Cole whimpers, feeling overstimulated. Blade winds an around around Cole, moving it so his hands grasped Coles neck. He tilted Coles head to the side and kisses him hotly.


"Where the hell are the girls? They said they were going to quickly get Solace in his swim trunks." Cole groans as they wait in the pool for the girls. Blade grunts as he shoved Cole against the edge of the pool, Mateo pushed Blades trunks down before Blade started to pound in and out of Cole.

"Damn, they're doing it in the pool!" Azora says excitedly as Coven goes through all the pairs of swimming trunks that they had bought Solace.

"Keep in mind that your brother is down there."
She snorts as she looks over at Azora who gasps in realization and looks away. She giggles at Azora's flustered state.

Cole whimpers as he grips the edge of the pool. "Pool shed. Finish up there." Mateo says as Cole gets closer to his edge. They quickly climb out and head to the pool shed where Blade instantly had Cole pushed up against a wall and was destroying him.

Mateo stood behind Blade and slammed into him. "I found the perfect swim trunks for you Solace!" Coven exclaims waving around a cute white pair with Nemo on them. She giggles as he giggles and Azora watches with a smile.


"So. Damn. Hot." Mateo says while drooling as Coles muscular and toned form stood in shorts that hung low. His v-line showed. He was shirtless and his body was coated in a sheen of sweat making himself look all the more sexier. Another angry blow to the punching bag and Mateo was practically hardly standing. Blade rolls his eyes at his boyfriend.

"With him being this pissed off, maybe you should let him be in control of your backside. I'll take the front side." He says and Mateo nods eagerly. He rushes to Cole and drags him to the empty locker room. Coles chiseled jaw was clenched.

"Fuck me. Please." Mateo begs and Cole raises an eyebrow as him before shrugging as he pushed his shorts down to reveal his bare cock.

"God...I can't believe Coven let's that thing in her. Your huge." Mateo mutters.

"Hey! We've talked about not talking about Coven that way. She's my sister dammit." Blade says in disgust, hating the image. Mateo gasps and goes wide eyed as he is shoved against the wall. He puts his hand on it and pushes his ass out as Blade shoves his shorts down before crouching between Mateo and the wall. He started to suck Mateo as Cole slammed into Mateo who gasps.

Cole was merciless with his thrusts that were long, deep, rough and fast. Mateo could hardly keep and had came twice already in Blades mouth. Cole was far from done yet.

"S-Switch!" Mateo whimpers breathless and Cole pulls back allowing Mateo and Blade to trade places. Cole wiped his cock of Mateos lubes first and just to be sanitary before slamming into the nervous Blade. Blade clenches his jaw as his hands that were on the wall curl into fists. Mateo was sucking Blade.


"So, you and the guys? How's that been?" Coven asks Cole. She was making their bed as they woke up a few minutes ago.

"It's been great actually. I saw things seem to be going well with you and Azora. How's it been?" He asks.

"It's been great. In some way, Azora has made me more confident in aspects. She definitely doesn't care where your doing it though." She says with a light blush and Cole laughs.

"Azora doesn't care when and where. Neither do the guys and I if that makes you feel better." He says softly.

"We haven't exactly had much time for ourselves with work, Solace, and well experimenting with the whole benefits thing you know." She says and he sighs.

"I know baby and I'm sorry. I'll make sure we have some time for ourselves. How about you and I stop for a quick breakfast? Some eggs maybe?" He suggests knowing she loves cheesy scrambled eggs. His brows furrow as she makes a face of disgust, despite her smiling. His eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Y-Your pregnant?" He asks and she nods with a smile.

"T-That's great!" He exclaims as Mateo, Blade and Azora walk in. Azora was holding a giggling and babbling Solace who squealed and started to reach towards Coven when he saw her. She smiles as she takes him.

"Can I tell them?" Cole asks excitedly and she giggles while nodding.

"Coven is pregnant." He says excitedly and everyone cheers which causes Solace to squeal. Mateo and Blade pull Cole away to the training room. Mateo kisses Cole hotly while Blade teasingly touches both Mateo and Cole.

"I-I shouldn't of left Cove. She just told me. I don't want her mad that I left like that." He mutters as Mateo pulls away.

"We pulled you away because Azora was going to let her get Solace ready and put him in his crib for an early nap so she could have Cove for the morning." Mateo murmurs.

"Okay." He mumbles and this time Blade kisses Cole who responds back with the kiss. Mateo gropes Coles junk, causing him to jump in surprise as he didn't expect that. Blade was grabbing at both Mateo and Coles ass now.

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