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"Who's that?" 

Alex O'Malley, a huge Irish man with red hair and biceps as big as an adult male's thigh, who was adept in handling all kinds of knives and weaponry, lowered his bloody butcher's knives and looked at his friend, Na'Lan Qingyu, who was smiling and shook his head in amusement. He preferred to be called Noah, and the only person in the world besides his mother who called him Qingyu was He Xuan, that bastard. He put his phone back in his back pocket, wiped his bloody hand on the pants, then he took the gasoline can and poured it all over the dead bodies that had already been doused with salt.

"It's He Xuan. He asked me to drop by in twelve hours to the Yuwen's headquarters. He said he needed my expertise." Noah chuckled and threw away the empty gas can. He was of a Mongolian Chinese descent from his mother, and an Italian father, thus the crazy, exotic good looks, and the volatile temper which threatened to blow up at any time, by any means of provocation. He was in his late twenties, with shoulder-length dark hair tied back in a half ponytail, tanned skin, and a pair of very prominent golden eyes. He exuded danger just like an apex predator, added to that, his body was fully tattooed with incantation runes that could expel and exorcise demons, and prevented him from being possessed by one. The runes were artfully arranged in the shape of a full-sleeve dragon on one arm and another full-sleeve tiger on the other arm. His legs were also fully covered with tattoos depicting heaven and hell. He also had piercings in his ears, eyebrows, tongue, and nipples. And those were the only ones that people could see, maybe more in his more private parts, since he was some kind of hardcore masochist. 

Alex shrugged and continued butchering the dead bodies before dousing them with salt. He didn't care much about anything else other than guns and knives and any other means of weaponry. He handled any kind of weapons with ease, and his collections rivaled the museum. He also had his loyalty only to Noah, ever since he saved his life from demon possession when Noah was still with The Order.

"What do you mean twelve hours?" The other man, who wore the Priest's habit, looked at Noah in horror. "We're at least five hours from the nearest civilization, and another twelve from Yuwen's International headquarters! How do you propose we get there in twelve hours?" He was the only sound of reason within this motley group, and he was also the only one who was sane enough to put a brake on any crazy ideas that Noah had, which most of the time put them into trouble with the monsters they were facing. Luckily, Noah seemed to have an unending stroke of luck, or maybe he was crazy enough and strong enough to face the monsters with his guts and bare hands alone, he never knew. That man was as strong as Hercules to say the least. And as crazy as the God of Mischief himself. That was the thing that put him into trouble with the Vaticans when he was a priest himself, so instead of bowing his head and abiding to the rules, he resigned, and did things his way. Which, he admitted, was more effective than when he was with the Knights of Holy Order.

"Ben, that's where you came in handy." Noah grinned as he lightly squeezed Father Benedict's arm. The priest was of an Eastern European descent in his early thirties, one might call him handsome if they looked beyond the conservative dressing sense. "Surely we helped you with these damn ghouls infestation, free of charge, and in exchange for our service and silence, we just need a teeny tiny bit of help." Father Benedict was the liaison between the Vatican and Noah St. Claire, since apparently he was the only one who did not go crazy when he talked to the Wildcard Noah. Also, he had special skills, which would help him, and his mates, in times of trouble.

The Yuwen's International plane landed exactly ten hours from when they departed, and a chopper had been waiting to take them straight to the headquarters. They arrived stealthily in the middle of the night via rooftop helipad, straight into the underground containment chamber, which was able to withstand a nuclear explosion if the need arose. 

The containment chamber was huge, with all the basic necessities loaded, like food, clothes, and it even had rooms and showers. 

Xie Lian insisted on staying with Hua Cheng, as did Feng Xin and Mu Qing, so Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian took Chenqing and Ruoye, and left with He Xuan to give them space. He Xuan took them to his office on top of the building, but when they exited the private elevator, Wei Wuxian's instinct became hyper alert, as she pushed Lan Wangji and He Xuan behind her and activated her force field, while Ruoye and Chenqing seemed to be sniffing something in the air.

"Someone's here." 

She could feel the heavy presence of something akin to an apex predator inside the dark apartment, and they also could sense her, judging by the rustling of the… pants being zipped?

"Seems like I came earlier than you did, Xuanxuan." The voice was low, and exuded danger. It made the hair at the back of Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian's neck stand up for some reason. The cats also cowered behind them and dashed out to hide somewhere safer than the open space.

"Oh, jesusfuckingchrist, how did you get into my apartment, Qingyu?" He Xuan touched Wei Wuxian's shoulder to let her know that it was their ally, not an enemy. Wei Wuxian took down the force field but she was still on high alert since she did not get a clear view of the man who was supposed to be the demon expert. "And why are you lurking in the dark like some kind of pervert?"

When He Xuan turned on the light, the view in front of them was very very impressive. 

The man, Na'Lan Qingyu, a.k.a Noah St.Claire, was very tall with a very impressive build. He was easily taller than Lan Wangji and He Xuan, and his body was beautifully sculpted with very defined eight packs, and it was also fully decorated with piercings and tattoos. He had glowing golden eyes, just like a predator, and shoulder length hair which was wet from the shower and now he was eyeing them curiously.

"I asked Ben, Father Benedict, do you remember him? To teleport me here, and I took my sweet time showering in your impressive bathroom. Oh, and I borrowed your clothes, by the way, mine was tainted with the ghouls' blood, those motherfuckers were bleeding like gutted pigs." He moved closer to them, wearing only a half-zipped pants, and his sexual attraction was very lethal. "Hi, I'm Noah, and you are…" he moved in front of Wei Wuxian and took her hand before giving it a kiss, which made Lan Wangji frown and had the sudden urge to kill the man. This was the man who was supposed to be the demon expert? More like a ladies' expert judging by his flirty demeanor.

"I'm Wei Ying, He Xuan's sister-in-law, and this is my husband, Lan Wangji." She grinned and took Lan Wangji's arm in hers, to show Noah that she was happily taken and not available.

"Ah, the good ones are always taken, I suppose." He grinned back and then he offered his hand to Lan Wangji. "Hi, I'm Noah, nice to meet you, Lan Wangji."

Although Lan Wangji was pissed, this man surely had his charms. He shook his hand and then hugged Wei Wuxian's waist tight, exerting his ownership, which made Wei Wuxian roll her eyes. These alpha males, really...

"So, Xuanxuan, what kind of a situation forced you to call me for 'consultation'? I thought you loathe those supernatural stuff, being a man of science and all." Noah laughed as he walked to the minibar and opened the decanter before he smelled it. "Mm, expensive whiskey, me likey." Then he poured a half glass full of it before downed it in one big gulp.

"Sure, Qingyu, please, mi casa es su casa." He Xuan spoke with an obvious sarcasm which caused Noah to laugh. "It's about my other brother, Hua Cheng, did you remember him?"

"Tall, dark, handsome, with an eyepatch? Sure. What's up with him?" Noah casually walked to the fridge and opened it to find something to eat. He was a food lover, and would go anywhere to find some good food. He found a block of cheese, bread, and some Jamón ibérico, and he proceeded to make a sandwich with them.

"I think you better come down to the containment chamber and see for yourself."

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