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Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian were observing the corner warehouse that Mianmian and Meng Airan entered. It was surrounded by empty fields, so they could not get into it without attracting any attention, and they found quite a few suspicious people with huge bodies, patrolling around the area. Wei Wuxian suspected that they're not human and Lan Wangji agreed. What they did not realize was that they had been observed by Duncan, who had just finished dropping the skinwalker Feng Xue brought to him to the House to be trained. He had mixed feelings about their presence there. They had been old acquaintances, and by old it meant very old. 

He knew that they had no idea about the twins, since it was a fucked up thing done by the one whom they would not even think that he would be capable of doing. He needed to think fast because this was not in their original plan. They came earlier than he and the twins had anticipated. Made him wonder how they found out about this warehouse, when he caught the sight of one of the Honda Prius. They must have followed one of the dolls who gave him a headache since it wasn't one of the elite ones. So he did the only thing that he could do. He picked up his phone and called Feng Xue.

"Neit, they're here. What do you want to do?" Duncan only called Feng Xue Neit when they talked business, and Feng Xue knew straight away who they were. That was not surprising how they could find the warehouse judging by their combined brains. That gave him some kind of proud feeling, but he squashed it down. It was not the time yet to be having this kind of feeling. Feelings would only cloud their judgement and theirs were already bad enough with the involvement of Noah.

"Proceed to the original plan, I'll be there as soon as possible." Feng Xue ended the call and he sent a communication array to Feng Yue. She did not reply so he sent them every fifteen minutes. He knew that she could travel via the Abyss so the most important thing was he had to get to the warehouse first. Feng Yue could only go to where his location was. He quickly took out the Lamborghini that he had merged with the nanites, his newest invention, and turned it into matte black in color, then he also put the A.I inside, and drove it to the warehouse with neck breaking speed. 

He just entered the warehouse when Feng Yue suddenly appeared beside him in the car in all black.

"Nice." She looked at the newly pimped car and whistled. "So, what's the urgency about?"

"They're here." Feng Xue sent her the hidden security feed that he retrieved from the main hub. Feng Yue played the security feed and she looked kind of sad.

"I look just like her, don't I? She smiled forlornly, yet she knew it was not the time to reveal themselves yet. "Guess I have to see if we really are one and the same." She got out of the car and signaled one of the beastmen to come over and spoke something to him. 

As her twin, Feng Xue could feel her sentiments, since he had the exact same one. He looked identical to his twin after all, but then again, it was not the time yet. Not now. He got out of the car to enter the warehouse after his twin sister, and got prepared for the event that was about to transpire.

Both Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian were on high alert when they saw a matte black Lamborghini Aventador come into view and enter the back place of the warehouse. They knew it must be one of the upper echelons, the one they had been waiting for, and they were talking about how to enter the warehouse when someone knocked on their window. 

Wei Wuxian was very surprised and almost jumped, but when she looked at the beastman, he just signaled her with his hand to roll the window down. And she did. Cautiously.

"You both are invited to enter the warehouse. Please come in." He spoke in a low growl, and stoic voice. His face and body were covered with thick hair just like animal fur, and he had fangs. His face was more like a beast rather than human, but surprisingly he spoke quite eloquently.

"And may I know who invited us?" Wei Wuxian asked the beastman with mixed feelings. Was this some kind of a trap? How did they know that we were here?

"I'm just told to invite you in by the Boss." The beastman shrugged and opened the door. "Please."

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji looked at each other in question, but they finally came out of the car and followed the beastman inside. The warehouse was big, and there was a huge circular cage in the middle, with a raised platform. There were two people inside now and they were in the middle of a serious fight. Judging by the shouts and the yells and the blood, the man in a dark shirt and jeans was losing. His opponent was a huge beastman and when he was about to finish the last blow, the man in a dark shirt suddenly howled very loudly and turned into a werewolf. Then he attacked the beastman with strength that rivaled a tank. The beastman was surprised but he held his ground, although he was no match for the werewolf speed. The situation was turning around faster than you could flick your fingers, and surprisingly, Wei Wuxian was very interested in this fight. Her carnal instinct was suddenly turned on and her eyes were glowing in anticipation. Lan Wangji on the other hand, just watched the fight with his usual stoic face. He despised fighting like this and preferred a more intellectual approach to his method. But as he looked at Wei Wuxian, he saw that she was excited to see the fight, even itching to join it.

The fight surprisingly ended with the werewolf's win, and the spectators were disappointed since they did not know that the man was a werewolf, who killed the beastman easily after he transformed. The fights almost transpired between them but it was efficiently ended with some kind of electroshock array, which was drawn on the floor. No fight was allowed outside the ring.

After the commotion stopped, the ringmaster, a man with a butler-like suit and a mask, suddenly appeared on the ring and spoke into the mic.

"Attention everyone, for the next fight, we have a special guest here, who will be challenged by our own Morrigan. Will you please come into the ring, General Wei?" The ringmaster gestured to Wei Wuxian, and everyone in there looked at her with curiosity in their eyes. Another challenger for Morrigan? 

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